This is a solution of Project Management in Construction that describes about Developing business
Project Management in Construction
This submission requires you to reflect upon the performance of a team that you have experience working with, and produce a report identifying the current professional performance of the team and proposals for improving this. As the implementation of your proposals would require some form of organisational change to take place, your report should also explain this process and consider the organisational and cultural factors within your team and company that would affect the successful delivery of the changes proposed. You are also required to include a copy of the slides that you would use to present the key findings from your report to the board of your company.
You are required to produce a report that satisfies the following objectives:
- A critical analysis of the culture and performance of a team which you have experience working with, using appropriate methods and theories. In order to achieve this, you will need to describe the roles and responsibilities within your team and reflect critically on the functioning of the team an
d the team working processes. Provide examples to support your arguments where appropriate;
- A description & discussion of three proposals for improving the performance of your team. Refer to relevant theories and provide examples to demonstrate the potential impact of your proposals upon the team’s functioning;
- An explanation of the organisational change process and some of the reasons why companies undertake change. Cite relevant sources and examples to support your arguments;
- A discussion of the organisational and cultural factors that would impact upon the successful delivery of the organisational change in your company associated with implementing your proposals in section ii above;
- A copy of a presentation slides you would use to present the key findings of your report to the board of your company. The presentation should include no more than 10 slides, with each slide having attached ‘notes’ as your ‘commentary’ to accompany the slides.
Your submission should be no more than 6000 words in length, excluding your reference list and the slides. Detailed references should be included to link practical proposals to theoretical ideas and models. Visit Now : Unit 6 Contemporary Issues In Travel And Tourism
Your report should be presented as a professional report suitable for submission to your company’s Board of Directors, but with detailed references linking practical proposals to theoretical ideas and models.
- The assignment is to be submitted in report format and as such should have a formal structure and layout. It should be submitted as a single document. The report is to be individually prepared; this is NOT a group submission;
- The report should be structured as a management report in six main sections: an executive summary and five further parts linked to the five objectives above;
- The report must be typed and be a maximum of 6000 words in length exclusive of objective (v) and a reference section with no For any submission which exceeds the 6000 word limit, the first 6000 words only will be assessed – words in excess of the 6000 word limit will not be assessed;
- The report should represent appropriately up to 80 hours of research application and writing;
- The report must identify, apply and fully reference (Harvard/APA style) appropriate sources, concepts and models.
Knowledge and Understanding:
- Analyse the dynamics of leadership, culture, people, and technology and their influence on management of projects.
- Critically evaluate social and cultural factors related to group formation, team development and organisational development
- Rigorously compare various change management strategies and prepare appropriate implementation plans
- Analyse theories of learning and learning organisations to develop appropriate strategies relevant to organisational and project scenarios.
Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes:
- Establish project teams and determine parameters for effective working
- Determine strategies for change.
- Practice leadership skills within real life projects
Coursework marks and feedback will be available within 15 working days of your submission and will be loaded into Blackboard.
Students MUST keep a spare copy of all work which they hand in as well as the receipt which is issued to them at the time of submission.
All marks and grades issued to students are provisional until ratified by examination boards.
Submissions made after 16:00hrs on the fourth working day following submission will be deemed inadmissible and recorded as a non-submission.
If the submission document file up-loaded to Blackboard is corrupt and cannot be viewed - This is classed as a NON submission. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure their submission material can be opened by others.
To ensure your submission can be opened please follow this simple step:
Go back to the submission area and the blue button that was labelled Submit will now be a button labelled View – select this button and what you see upon doing so will be the file/format that your Lecturer can see. If you can open and view the document then so can the lecturer.
Where coursework is submitted late, the following penalties shall be applied to the mark:
(a) if the work is no more than four working days late, then five marks shall be deducted for each working day (08:30-16:00 Mon-Thursday or part thereof) , but if the work would otherwise pass then the mark for the work shall be reduced to no lower than the pass mark for the component
(b) if the work is no more than four working days late and marked and the mark is lower than the pass mark, then no penalty shall be applied;
(c) if the work is more than four working days late then it cannot be submitted and shall be recorded as a non-submission (NS).
The University takes a serious view of all acts of academic misconduct. Such acts are considered dishonest and as attempts to gain unfair advantage. Acts of academic misconduct can take many forms. They are likely to fall into one or more of the following categories:
- Plagiarism
Plagiarism involves taking the work of another person or source and using it as if it were one’s own.
- Self plagiarism
Self plagiarism (or double submission) is resubmitting previously submitted work on one or more occasions (without proper acknowledgement). This may take the form of copying either the whole piece of work or part of it. Normally credit will already have been given for this work. Read more About : New Product Development Assignment Help
Collusion occurs when, unless with official approval (e.g. in the case of group projects), two or more students consciously collaborate in the preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in an identical, or substantially similar, form and/or is represented by each to be the product of his or her individual efforts. Collusion also occurs where there is unauthorised co-operation between a student and another person in the preparation and production of work which is presented as the student’s own.
- Falsifying experimental or other investigative results
This could involve a range of things that make it appear that information has been collected by scientific investigation, the compilation of questionnaire results etc whereas in reality it has been made up or altered to provide a more favourable result.
- Taking unauthorised material (including electronic devices) into an examination
- Contracting another to write a piece of assessed work / Writing a piece of assessed work for another
This involves any means whereby a person does work on behalf of another. It includes assessments done for someone else in full or in part by a fellow student, a friend or family member. It includes sitting an examination for someone else. It also covers obtaining material from internet ‘cheat sites’ or other sources of work. Penalties for this type of unfair means will normally apply both to a student of the University who does work on behalf of another and a student of the University who has work done for him/her.
Copying from, or communicating with, another examination candidate during an examination
- Bribery
This involves giving money, gifts or any other advantage to an academic member of staff which is intended to give an unfair advantage in an assessment exercise.
VII. Particular care should be taken in respect of the following:
- a) Getting help from others / helping others
Students are encouraged to discuss and share ideas and information, however those who knowingly assist others to commit academic misconduct whether or not for payment (e.g. by giving another student the opportunity to copy part or all of a piece of work, by providing copies of assessments or by providing bespoke assignments to another student) will be subject to the same penalties as those who use unfair means. Students must ensure that they protect their own work, submit it themselves and do not allow other students to use their memory stick and/or print off work on their behalf.
- b) Use of Readers/Note Takers
Students with special learning requirements who require the services of readers or note takers are advised to use appropriately trained individuals. Further advice can be obtained from the Disability Service Team within Student Life Directorate.
- c) Referencing
Students using work which has been produced by other people within an assignment will need to ensure that they acknowledge or reference the source of the work. Students should check with their Schools for particular requirements. Marks may be deducted for poor referencing. If poor referencing is extensive throughout a piece of work it could appear that the student is trying to claim credit for the work and he/she may be deemed to have committed plagiarism. Guidance on good referencing practice is available from Schools or may be provided through research training programmes, the Study Skills Programme located in Student Life and on-line guidance provided by Information & Learning Services. Some useful resources
If satisfied that unfair means has occurred, a penalty will be imposed on the student. Penalties vary depending on whether the matter is referred to the School Academic Misconduct Panel or the University Disciplinary Committee and on the particular circumstances. A range of penalties may be imposed including:
- A penalty of 0% for the assessment component attempted using unfair means;
- A penalty of 0% for the module affected by unfair means;
- A penalty of 0% for the module affected by unfair means and the marks of all other modules at that academic level being capped at the pass mark (40% for undergraduates, 50% for post graduates).
In the most severe cases, where there are aggravating factors (e.g. that this is a repeated case of the use of unfair means by a student at an advanced stage in their studies), a student found guilty of using unfair means may be permanently expelled from the University.
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