Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Dissertation Structure

Dissertation Structure
This dissertation in broken down into five chapters aims at the provision of good research approach and easy achievement of overall objectives of the research. This approach will no doubt provide better understanding to the researcher and in-depth analysis of the subject under consideration because each chapter has to achieve desired objective before its subsequent chapter. The details of each chapter are as follows:

Chapter 1

The first chapter provides the first point of direction of research by revealing the problems in this specific research area and explaining it in industrial and academic context. This chapter is based on the identification of aims and objectives of the research work as well as the research questions and overall research methodology to be adopted is discussed. This chapter also provides an introduction of the topic under consideration with special context of Nokia, a brief overview of case organization and overall structure of the dissertation.Dissertation Structure

Chapter 2

This chapter put the research in context by capturing the social media advertising and its impacts on consumer buying behavior. This chapter will highlight the efforts of other researchers and practitioners and will ai   d in identifying the research gaps in the subject area. This chapter will provide the literature review of the topic in which the concept of social media advertising will be discussed in detail and with special reference to its impacts on consumer buying behavior.

Chapter 3

The methodology to be used for this specific research study will be discussed in this chapter. A two-phase approach will be used in this research study;
(1) Initial literature review
(2) Structured Questionnaire and Data Analysis
The researcher will debate the purpose of the research, the research approach, the data collection methods and the specified method to be used in this research. A close ended questionnaire survey will be used as primary data collection method while a range of secondary sources will be used for collecting secondary data. The researcher will highlight survey information and sampling procedure. Moreover, the development and administration of questionnaire will also be discussed in this chapter.callus

Chapter 4

This chapter is distinguished into two sections: data presentation and data analysis. In first section, the collected data from primary source will be presented in a systematical way. The researcher will use tables and pie charts in presenting the data and will attempt elementary establishment of patterns using percentages. The second section will base on the deep analysis of results of collected data and in light of key findings of literature.

Chapter 5

This chapter will highlight the key findings of the research and researcher will recommend possible suggestions to the case organization for using social media advertising in a better way. Possible limitations and areas of future research of the topic under consideration will also be identified in this chapter.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks For sharing this Superb article.I use this Article to show my assignment in is useful For me Great Work.
    Dissertation Structure
