BTECH HND Travel and Tourism
Module Booklet
Course:BTECH HND Travel and Tourism
Group: Ed excel Level 4
Module type: Core module
Module Code: Y/601/1745
Module Credit: 15
Teaching Period: (15+6 weeks)
Level: 4 (QCF)
Contact Hours: (21*3 = 63 hrs)
Lecturers: 15 weeks
Revision Clinic: 3 week
Feedback and assignment guidance: 3 weeks
Lecturer: Nikola Naumov
Start date: +++++++++++++++++
Day: ++++++++++++++++++++++
Time: +++++++++++++++++++
Term: Winter Term
Tourism has significantly progressed since the ancient times when travel activities were closely linked with religious travel and some basic physical needs. In modern days, tourism represents a wide and diverse industry which involves large masses of people and generates a large number of jobs and income. However, tourism is a challenging phenomenon and the development of the sector has changed dramatically during the last few decades. The Travel

This unit briefly explores some current issues and trends in contemporary travel and tourism business – those issues that have arisen in the last few decades and those that are likely to have an effect on the travel and tourism sector. Learners are introduced to some of the critical debates and problems within the tourism industry and are challenged to develop their own understanding of how the sector responds to the various changes within the last few decades. Through the study learners will consider the effects ofthat issue on travel and tourism, both from an industry and society perspective. To gain an understanding ofthe issue and its effects on travel and tourism, learners will develop skills appropriate to undertaking sustainedand planned research, similar to those adopted in academic research.
The unit consists of numerous case studies and practical examples which give additional perspectives on these changes and provide valuable insights to the topic.
The aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain understanding of current issues and trends, andthe impacts of and responses to change in travel and tourism.Additionally, the unit has a practical focus that enables learners to develop the skills in research methodology and use these to explore the complexities ofthe travel and tourism sector and the key issues that affect it.
Key Objectives:
- Describe some of the current issues in the travel and tourism industry
- Explain environmental and economic issues associated with tourism
- Understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative data
- Present theoretical and empirical data
- Report and analyse research findings
- Understand current issues in the travel and tourism sector
1.2 Analyse different current issues using appropriatemethods and resources
- Understand current trends inthe travel and tourism sector
2.2 Analyse a current trend using appropriate techniquesand resources
- Understand how the traveland tourism sector respondsto change
3.2 Develop strategies on how selected travel and tourismbusinesses could respond to change
3.3 Justify strategies for how selected travel and tourismbusinesses could respond to change
- Understand the impacts ofchange on the travel andtourism sector
4.2 discuss the likely consequences of businesses failing torespond to market changes
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
Be able to make a small research project and present their results to the rest of the class.
Indicative content:
Be able to understand current issues in the travel and tourism sector
- Development of tourism activities and new tourism markets
- Advancement in tourism – new technologies and low cost airlines/cruises
- Tourism and economic impacts – current issues, facts and contributions
- Tourism and the environment – responsible tourism, sustainability and terrorism
- Inbound and outbound tourism – current situation, short-term and long-term forecast
- Niche markets – adventure tourism, dark tourism, religious tourism and pilgrimage
- Introduction to research design and research methodology
- Introduction to data analysis – primary and secondary data; quantitative and qualitative techniques
- Micro and macro environments – SWOT and PEST/PESTEL analysis
- Adapting and creating new products – marketing mix, marketing strategies and brand awareness
- Impacts of change-mergers, acquisitions, liquidations, formation on products and services
- Consequences of failing to respond to change: sales and profitability, profit margins and change in attitudes (customers, suppliers, competitors
Accrediting Body: EDEXCEL
Course: EDEXCEL HND Travel& Tourism Management
Wk | Lecture Schedule | Outcome of session | Activity/seminar and formative assessment | Resources |
1 | · Introduction to the module · Assessment modes · Class discussion and assignment guidelines | · Understand the module content · Understand the assessment mode and LO | Group Discussion | PowerPoint slides |
2 | · Introduction to contemporary tourism industry – facts and figures · Tourism markets – current trends and tendencies | · Understand the importance of tourism industry within the global context · Be able to identify the emerging tourism markets | Class discussionGroup Task Case study | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
3 | · Tourism and information technologies · Low cost industry - airlines,cruises and holidays | · Understand the role of information technologies within tourism · Examine the impact of low cost travel over travel and tourism business | Class discussionCase study | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
4 | · Tourism and the local economy · The impacts of tourism for local business and societies | · Understand the role of tourism for local economy · Assess the impacts of tourism for local stakeholders | Class discussionCase study Group Seminar | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
5 | · Tourism and environment – current trends and threats · Tourism and sustainability – a critical overview | · Understand the environmental impacts of tourism Explain the concept of sustainability in relation to tourism | Class discussionGroup Task Case study | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
6 | · Contemporary tourism – growth and future · Tourism development and emerging destinations | · Critically evaluate the current importance of tourism industry · Be aware of the emerging tourism destinations and products | Class discussionGroup Seminar | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
7 | · Niche markets and alternative tourism · Niche tourism examples – adventure tourism, responsible tourism, eco tourism, religious tourism | · Understand the current trends in tourist mobility and motivation · Give examples of alternative forms of tourism | Class discussionCase studies | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
8 | Fieldwork visit – Unseen Tours and slum tourism/ Emerging paradigms in tourism – case study | Practical knowledge about a typical example of niche tourism | Field visit | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
9 | Power Point Presentations (Task 2) | Class discussion Group presentations | ||
10 | · Introduction to research methods · Data analysis – quantitative and qualitative data | · Be able to structure a research report · Distinguish between different types of research approaches | Class seminarClass task | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
11 | · Micro and macro environments · SWOT and PEST analysis | • Identify Micro and Macro environments • Explain SWOT and PEST analysis | Class seminarGroup Task | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
12 | · Marketing mix, communications and marketing strategies | • Understand marketing mix • Consider the nature of the marketing communications • Appreciate the importance of marketing strategies | Group taskCase study | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
13 | Impacts of change-mergers, acquisitions, liquidations, formation on products and services | · Define mergers, acquisitions and liquidations in tourism context · Explain how they are related to tourism products and services | Class discussion Group task | PowerPoint slides and handouts |
14 | Consequences of failing to respond to change: sales and profitability, profit margins and change in attitudes (customers, suppliers, competitors | · Analyse sales and profitability in tourism industry · Explain different customers, suppliers and competitors | Class discussion Group seminar | PowerPoint slides |
15 | Summary and Feedback – Questions and Answers | PowerPoint slides | ||
16 | Revision | |||
17 | Revision | |||
18 | Assessment & Feedback | |||
19 | Assessment & Feedback | |||
20 | Assessment & Feedback |
- Burns, R. (2000) Introduction to Research Methods. London: Sage Publications
- Burns, P. & Holden, A. (1995) Tourism: a New Perspective. London: Prentice Hall.
- Cohen, E. (2004). Contemporary Tourism Diversity and Change. London: Elsevier.
- De Kadt, E. (1978). Tourism: Passport to Development. New York: Oxford University Press
- Fusco Girard, L. and Nijkamp, P. (2009) Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Local Development, Farnham: Ashgate.
- Hall, C. M. (2008). Tourism planning. Policies, processes and relationships. Harlow: Pearson
- Holden, A. (2008). Environment and Tourism. London: Routledge.
- Maccannell, D. (1999). The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Maitland, R., & Ritchie, B. (2009). City tourism, national capital perspectives. Wallingford: CABI Publishing.
- Mason, P. (2008). Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management. London: Routledge.
- Novelli, M. (2005) Niche Tourism: Contemporary issues, trends and cases. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Urry, J. & Larsen, J. (2011). The Tourist Gaze 3.0. London: SAGE Publications
- Veal, A. J (2006) Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism. London:Prentice Hall.
- Journals and newspapers
- Journal of Travel Research
- Annals of Tourism Research
- Tourism Management
- European Journal of Tourism Research
- Tourism & Cultural Change
- Tourism Management Perspectives
- Anatolia
- Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Relevant videos can be found on the World Wide Web in many different web pages. Browse the web for videos related to eco-tourism, sustainable tourism, WWF, UNESCO and UNWTO where some key issues and trends are addressed.
Websites - World Tourism Organization - World Travel & Tourism Council - The International Ecotourism Society
Campus: Wentworth house
Contact details:
The module will be assessed meeting all the LO as specified by the awarding body, Ed Excel.Please read the instructions carefully while addressing the tasks specified.
Contribution: 100 % of the module
Outline Details: Report approx. 4000 words. Details enclosed in the assignment brief.
Teaching and Learning Activities
The module tutor(s) will aim to combine lectures with tutorial activities. This environment will provide opportunities for the student to understand the course material through case study and text and to apply it in a practical way. The intent is to facilitate interactive class activities, and discussion about the significant role of research in a global and local business environment.
2.3 Teaching Ethos
The college’s approach towards teaching and learning is simple and effective. The main aim of UKCBC is to assist learners in maximising their potential by ensuring that they are taught clearly and effectively. This will enable students to engage in the learning environment and promote success in both their academic studies and subsequent career.
2.3.1 Methods of Delivery:
These will be developed around the key concepts as mentioned in the indicative course content and will use a range of live examples and cases from business practice to demonstrate the application of theoretical concepts. This method is primarily used to identify and explain key aspects of the subject so that learners can utilise their private study time more effectively.
These are in addition to the lectures. The seminars are designed to give learners the opportunity to test their understanding of the material covered in the lectures and private study with the help of reference books. This methodology usually carries a set of questions identified in advance. Seminars are interactive sessions led by the learners. This method of study gives the learner an excellent opportunity to clarify any points of difficulty with the tutor and simultaneously develop their oral communication skills.
An important learning methodology is the extensive use of case studies. They enable learners to apply the concepts that they learn in their subjects. The learners have to study the case, analyse the facts presented and arrive at conclusions and recommendations. This assists in the assessment of the learner’s ability to apply to the real world the tools and techniques of analysis which they have learnt. The case study serves as a supplement to the theoretical knowledge imparted through the course work.
Any act of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with according to the colleges and awarding bodies’ regulations. In this context the definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work as your own. It includes copying information directly from the web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework form another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student code of conduct.)
The module will be assessed meeting all the LO as specified by the awarding body, Ed Excel.Please read the instructions carefully while addressing the tasks specified.
Contribution: 100% of the module
Outline Details: Oral Presentation and written reports (3000-4000) words. Details enclosed in the assignment brief
Unit: 6 – Contemporary issues in Travel & Tourism Module code: Y/601/1745 | |
Learning Hours: 60 Hours. Self-learning hours: 90 hours. | |
Course: HND Travel & Tourism Mgmt – Level 4 CREDIT VALUE: 15 CREDITS | |
Term: Summer Term | |
Lecturer: Nikola Naumov | Verifier: |
Learners Name | |
Registration Number | |
Learners Declaration: I certify that the work submitted for this unit is my own: | |
Signed: | |
Hand out Date: Submission Date: |
Center Name: | UKCBC |
Center Number: |
Assessors Name: | |
Assessors Signature: | |
Has the unit been Internally Verified? Y/N Date of verification: | |
Internal verifiers signature: | |
Internal verifiers assignment brief: |
Due Dates | Final Due date | ||
Issue Date | |||
Due Task- 1 | Final due date for Sept 2013 intake | 02/07/14 | |
Due Task- 2 | Final due date for Jan 2014 intake | 5th November 2014 | |
Due Task- 3 | |||
Due Task -4 |
Outcome | Evidence for the criteria to pass. | Assessors decision | Internal verification decision. (agree, disagree) | |||||||||||||||||||
TASK 1 Choose a tourism destination of your choice and analyse the level of tourism development. Include statistical information about the number of tourists, main tourism markets and how tourism affects local economy, social life and environment. Use statistics, local and national tourism strategies, newspapers and journal articles. Present your project witha written report (approximately 1,000 words). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
P1 Understand current issues in the travel and tourism sector | P1.1- Analyse issues currently driving change in the travel and tourism sector | P1.1 (P,M,D) | P1.1 (P,M,D) | |||||||||||||||||||
P1.2- Analyse different current issues using appropriatemethods and resources | P1.2 (P,M,D) | P1.2 (P,M,D) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Summarized Feedback for Task 1(reflecting 1.1, 1.2, Pass merit and distinction.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
IV comments towards Task 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TASK 2 Conduct a short research report by using appropriate techniques and methods to assess a contemporary alternative form of tourism. You will be part of a group (no more than six people) and your task is to make a MS PowerPoint presentation which should include description, theoretical knowledge and examples of destinations, where this type of tourism is most popular. Additionally, it must include at least one case study which to include up-to date information.The presentation has to be supported by a written report (approximately 1,000 words).Please see that you upload the presentation slides with the word report. This should also include an individual report with a minimum of 300 words reflecting your contribution to the task and your role within the group and your gained knowledge as a result of the task. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
P2. Understand current trends in the travel and tourism sector | P2.1-Evaluate current trends influencing change in the travel and tourism sector | P2.1 (P,M,D) | P2.1 (P,M,D) | |||||||||||||||||||
P2.2-Analyse a current trend using appropriate techniques and resources | P2.2 (P,M,D) | P2.2 (P,M,D) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Summarized Feedback for Task 2(reflecting 2.1, 2.2, Pass merit and distinction.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
IV comments towards Task 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TASK 3 Choose a tourism destination which is part of your own country. Conduct a short SWOT and PEST analysis and present your findings with a written report (1,000 words). Make sure you cover P3.1, P.3.2 and P. 3.3 as a part of your analysis. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TASK 3 P3. Understand how the travel and tourism sector responds to change | P3.1 Analyse how travel and tourism businesses could respond to change | P3.1 (P,M,D) | P3.1 (P,M,D) | |||||||||||||||||||
P3.2- Develop strategies on how selected travel and tourism businesses could respond to change | P3.2 (P,M,D) | P3.2 (P,M,D) | ||||||||||||||||||||
P3.3- Justify strategies for how selected travel and tourism businesses could respond to change | P3.3 (P,M,D) | P3.3 (P,M,D) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Summarized Feedback for Task 3(reflecting 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, Pass merit and distinction.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
IV comments towards Task 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TASK 4 By using your knowledge from the previous tasks and lectures, write a short essay about the business of travel and tourism at present days. Choose a related company (travel agency, hotel chain, etc.) and analyse its customers, competitors and suppliers. Advise how this company should respond to the contemporary changes in the industry and create a short-term strategy. Your report should be around 1,500 words. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TASK 4 P4. Understand the impacts of change on the travel andtourism sector | P4.1 Analyse the impacts of issues and trends that drive change in the travel and tourism sector | P4.1 (P,M,D) | P4.1 (P,M,D) | |||||||||||||||||||
P4.2 Discuss the likely consequences of businesses failing torespond to market changes | P4.2 (P,M,D) | P4.2 (P,M,D) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Summarized Feedback for Task 4(reflecting 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, Pass merit and distinction.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
IV comments towards Task 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Merit grades awarded | M1 | M2 | M3 | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | |||||||||||||||
Distinction grades awarded | D1 | D2 | D3 | Resubmit : | ||||||||||||||||||
Any other comments | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Grade given by the Assessor: Pass Merit Distinction Assessors Signature: Date: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
IV Grading Check: Comments if any: Agree Disagree Modify grade to IV signature: Date: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Students feedback: Student Signature: Date: Plagiarism: Any act of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with according to the colleges and awarding bodies’ regulations. In this context the definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below: Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work as your own. It includes copying information directly from the web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework form another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student code of conduct.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TASK 1 to TASK 4: You are required to follow the instructions as specified towards each task and support with a research by using supportive materials like books, websites, etc., and give a feedback on the findings by relating your arguments to the relevant case studies as specified towards each task.
You need to choose a destination which is familiar to you and analyse the level of tourism development. Your report should include latest available statistics regarding the number of tourists and main tourism markets. You can use statistical information from government pages, newspapers and journals. Present your project with a written report (approximately 1,000 words).
LO 1
Understand current issues in the travel and tourism sector
P1.1- Analyse issues currently driving change in the travel and tourism sector
P1.2- Analyse different current issues using appropriatemethods and resources
For this task, you will need to work as a part of a team (no more than six persons) and create one MS PowerPoint presentation. Your team should choose one alternative form of tourism and provide a comprehensive description about it, including definition, popular destinations, statistics and overview. You must include at least one case study which should be relevant and supported with up-to date information.Useful topic examples: Heritage Tourism in Romania, Eco Tourism in Costa Rica, Community-based tourism in Kenya, etc. Your presentation will be no more than 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Each member of your team should be dressed appropriately for a business presentation. You may also bring some promotional materials and handouts for your audience. Each person of your group must present and take part in the presentation. Your tutor will ask each one some questions in order to assess his/her role in the preparation process.
Your topic should be agreed with your tutor first. The presentation has to be supported by a written report (approximately 1,000 words). Besides this each student needsto submit an individual report of 300 words reflecting the contribution to the task, your role within the group and your gained knowledge as a result of the task. Please see that you create a folder, include your assignment which includes the four tasks, where task two is common, this should be accompanied with the 300 word individual report and presentation slides.
LO 2 Understand current trends in the travel and tourism sector
P2.1- Evaluate current trends influencing change in the travel and tourism sector
P2.2-Analyse a current trend using appropriate techniquesand resources
Choose a tourism destination which is part of your own country. Conduct a short SWOT and PEST analysis and present your findings with a written report (1,000 words). Make sure you cover P3.1, P.3.2 and P. 3.3 as a part of your analysis.
LO 3. Understand how the traveland tourism sector responds to change
P3.1Analyse how travel and tourism businesses could respond to change
P3.2- Develop strategies on how selected travel and tourism businesses could respond to change
P3.3-Justify strategies for how selected travel and tourism businesses could respond to change
By using your knowledge from the previous tasks and lectures, write a short essay about the business of travel and tourism at present days. Choose a related company (travel agency, hotel chain, etc.) and analyse its customers, competitors and suppliers. Advise how this company should respond to the contemporary changes in the industry and create a short-term strategy. Your report should be around 1,500 words
LO 4. Understand the impacts of change on the travel and tourism sector
P4.1 Analyse the impacts of issues and trends that drivechange in the travel and tourism sector
P4.2 Discuss the likely consequences of businesses failing to respond to market changes
Any act of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with according to the colleges and awarding bodies’ regulations. In this context the definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work as your won. It includes copying information directly from the web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework form another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student code of conduct.)
Assignment Guidelines:
- Use a standard report structure, Word-process the report and use Times New Roman script of a proper font size 12.
- Produce an academic report, detailing the above issues with a word limit as instructed.
- Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity.
- The Assignment sheet should be attached in the front.
- Submit the document in a folder in the form of a file as well as a soft copy on the submission date.
- It should be uploaded on E-Learning platform before the deadline
- Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless mitigating and may be entitled for a late fee.
- Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided.
- Start each answer on a new page and pages should be numbered. Highlight each question clearly.
- Include a Bibliography at the end of the assignment and use the Harvard referencing system.
- All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully acknowledged, such as books and journals, websites (include the date of visit), etc.
- Try to give the page numbers, publishers' details and the year of publication
- In order to pass you need to address all the LO
- In order to get a Pass and then for a merit you need to address the characteristics of M1, M2,M3
- In order to get a Distinction you first need to pass, address all the merit characteristics and address all the characteristics of D1, D2 and D3. Use a common format for the questions, for example:
- Introduction (analyze the question.)
- Underpinning Knowledge (write about the relevant theory/points)
- Applied knowledge(Data Analysis)
- Conclusions and Recommendations (summarizing the whole scenario keeping in view pass, merit, distinction criteria.)
Name: Registration Number:
Unit: Management accounting
Outcomes/criteria: | Indicative characteristics | Possible evidence | Feedback |
P1. P2. P3. P4. | As per the assessment criteria specified for pass Do Do Do | Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 | |
Merit Description: | |||
M. Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions. | . Relevant theories and techniques have been applied. | ||
. Effective judgments have been made. | |||
. Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored. | |||
. An effective approach to study and research has been used. | |||
M2. Select/ design and apply appropriate methods/ techniques. | . A range of methods and techniques has been applied. | ||
. A range of sources of information used. | |||
. The selection of methods and techniques justified. | |||
. Complex information/data have been synthesized and processed. | |||
.Appropriate learning methods/ techniques applied. | |||
M3. Present and communicate appropriate findings. | . Appropriate structure and approach has been used. | ||
. Logical and coherent arguments have been presented | |||
. Technical language accurately used. | |||
. A range of methods of presentation has been used. | |||
. Familiar and unfamiliar contexts have been used. | |||
. It is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences. | |||
Distinction Description: | |||
D1. Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion. | . Synthesis has been used to generate and justify valid conclusions | ||
. The validity of results has been judged | |||
. Self-criticism of approach has taken place. | |||
. Evaluation has taken place using defined criteria | |||
. Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success. | |||
D2. Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities. | Autonomy/independence demonstrated | ||
Substantial activities/projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organized. | |||
The unforeseen has been accommodated. | |||
The importance of interdependence has been recognized. | |||
D3. Demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking | Ideas generate and decisions taken | ||
Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied | |||
Capacity for innovation and creative thought has been used. | |||
Receptiveness to new ideas has demonstrated. | |||
Unfamiliar contexts have been applied. |
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