Causes Of Online Bullying

Forms of cyber bullying
Cyberbullying refers to a range of activities done online that are harmful to the well-being of the victim ( These may take the form of flaming where an argument between two people quickly spreads to include more people each taking one side of the argument and hurling insults to people on the other side. Another form is harassment, where a bully humiliates the victim by sending hurtful images, text messages, or emails about the victim. This form of bullying has grown with the recent trend of making memes. Memes are images containing a message meant to ridicule the victim. Denigration is another form of Cyberbullying; the bully attacks and tarnishes the victims through spreading false information about them.
Impersonation is another form of Cyberbullying. The bully assumes the identity of another person with malicious intent. Closely related to this is outing where someone gains personal information about the victim using dishonest means such as impersonation. The bully then publicizes that information with the aim of humiliating the victim.We also have stalking which involves following the victim online in an unjustified way. As illustrated,Cyberbullying involves a myriad of activities taking place in the online space. These activities involve both passive and active participation by victims and bullies (InDirect)
Causes of online bullying
Online bullying may happen for several reasons. First, bullying by popular kids happens because they want to maintain their popularity (Donegan 35). Such people use bullying to validate their popularity. Often, this requires the support of backers and henchmen who remain on the sidelines cheering actively and passively as the bully brings down the victim. This kind of bullying is likely to target famous people since attacking them provides the bully with potential for attracting more attention. In addition to popularity, hurting others makes such people feel powerful. The more people they bully the more powerful they become. Taking on famous figures boosts the power of such bullies to even greater heights (
The other group of online bullies is people who are less socially successful. This group forms the bulk of cyber bullies. They find solace in bullying as it helps them cope with their low self-esteem. Their objective is to fit in with their peers and bullying provides a chance to help them achieve thisgoal (InDirect). Cyberbullying requires even less courage than traditional forms of bullying. The internet with its anonymity helps people show their true colours. Cyber bullies might not be bullies in real life but since the internet provides them with anonymity, they take advantage of that to bully others (Donegan 37).
Effectsof Cyberbullying
Studies have shown that bullying causes emotional damage to its victims though most of these victims find it difficult to admit it. In a study involving over 3000 students, researchers learnt that out of all bullying victims, 38% felt vengeful, 37% were angry, while 24%felt helpless. Another study conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Centre using a sample size of 468 students drew almost similar conclusions. They found that out of all the female victims 39% felt frustrated, 36% felt angry and 25% felt sad about it, the males figures were 27%, 36% and 17% for each of those respective categories. Females seem to show high susceptibility to bullying than males. However,this is hardly surprising since males tend to admit emotional weakness less readily than their female counterpartsdo (Hinduja & Patchin 1).
Sociologist Robert Agnew developed the Great Strain Theory,which hypothesizes that victims of bullying can develop problematic emotions, which cause deviant behaviour. The victim goes through a vicious cycle and this can result to the victim developing antisocial behaviour as they try to process their emotions and find an outlet for their anger and frustration (Hinduja and Patchin 5).
Bullying also takes a toll on the bully. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report, over 60% of males with bullying tendencies between grade six and nine were later convicted of at least one crime in their adult life. This is in comparison to 23% of people who did not bully. Forty per cent of these former bullies got at least three conviction by the time they were age 24 years; this is in comparison to 10% of those who were not bullies (Donegan, 37). When bullies use bullying as a coping mechanism it leads to development of a vicious cycle for both the victim and the bully (Oleus 8). Evidently,bullying has a heavy toll on the society, the effects of this habit are long lasting,and some individuals feel the repercussions throughout their life.
Cyberbullying and Legislation
Though the effects of Cyberbullying are evident, the legal situation is not as clear-cut as the social situation. Freedom of speech receives such a high degree of importance that even law enforcers prefer to err on the side of caution than be seen as curtailing this very important right(Wiseman). The anonymity of the internet makes the situation even more challenging. Prosecuting faceless people would prove to be a tall order for law enforcers.
Another challenge is lack of strong laws to address this situation. Even when cases of Cyberbullying are reported, the legal repercussions do not match the severity of the crimes committed(Donegan 38). Consider the case of New Jersey V Dharun Ravi, 2010 as narrated by In the summer of that year, Tyler Clementi started sharing that he was gay. Clementi’s roommate at Rutgers University was Dharun Ravi. One day Ravi used a webcam to stream footage of Clementi kissing another man. Ravi uploaded this video link online and instantly Clementi became the subject of ridicule within the campus. Due to this embarrassment, he committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. Less than a week later Ravi and Molly Wei, a hall mate whose computer Ravi had used, were charged with invasion of privacy. Wei entered a plea bargain to testify againstRavi who got a conviction and a sentence of 30 days in jail.
This case illustrates the typical Cyberbullying prosecution set-up. While the actions of Ravi led to the death Clementi, the legal repercussionswere nominal. After this case, the Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment act was passed requiring colleges to institute tough anti-harassment policies and expand their anti-bullying programs. This is another typical feature of Cyberbullyinglaws; they are mostly made after a high profile case has caught the attention of lawmakers (Donegan 39).
Solutions to Cyberbullying will come from solving the general problem of bullying since Cyberbullying is only a subset of the wider problem of bullying. Wiseman reports a study conducted in Nevada that identified six essential elements in dealing with bullying in schools; availability of a reporting procedure, integration in the curriculum, student-centred approach with students taking the initiative of stopping the practice, prevention rather than punishment, effective punishment to deter the practice, and keeping up with technology. A solution to bullying must incorporate all stakeholders involved in growth of a child starting with parents and teachers (Wiseman).
Capitalism subconsciously fosters bullying by placing pressure on individuals to succeed. However, this is not a reason to tolerate this vice. Competition is only good if it is fair and productive. The rise in bullying should be viewed in the context of moral decay of the society.Advances in information technology and emergence of social media have led to the evolution of bullying with new forms of bullying occurring in this new space. The toll of bullying in society is huge and steps must be taken to address this menace through legal and social means.
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