This is a solution of Community And Education Studies Assignment in which we discuss Developing business
Community And Education Studies
The module encourages critical exploration of evidence from the perspective of nursing theory and its relationship to autonomous decisions in practice. It prepares students to justify practice and decisions making regarding client care, based on analyses of available evidence and reflection on practice.
To this end students will;
- be introduced to various approaches to critically consider and explore evidence on which practice is based
- be encouraged to participate in a number of workshops which will facilitate discussion and dissemination of information related to the module content
- prepare and present a seminar paper to their peers which provides an in-depth critical analysis of the evidence on which an aspect of their nursing practice is based
- provide an individual seminar paper for summative assessment.
Aims of the Module
- Develop an in-depth knowledge of sources of evidence informing practice and understand the processes of implementation of evidence into practice
- Demonstrate ability to present and disseminate knowledge, and critique and develop their practice on the basis of sound evidence, principles and theoretical understandings.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically reflect on and examine practice in relation to the client, the context, available evidence, personal skills and attributes, the organisation and culture, and other relevant theories
- Identify a range of relevant evidence and critically evaluate this in relation to its utilitarian value to practice
- Synthesise findings from the reflective process and other relevant evidence associated with practice and use these findings to justify an aspect of nursing practice.
- Lead a seminar session which facilitates dissemination of learning related to the above and demonstrates advancement in critical thinking skills
Assessment Strategy
Formative Assessment
Using an example from practice to guide your presentation;
- Undertake a presentation which demonstrates critical reflection of the incident.
- This ‘critical reflection’ should involve an analysis of any philosophy, theory and nursing knowledge underpinning practice.
- Lead a seminar discussion related to this presentation.
The discussion and presentation should include a rationale for the selected example from practice and consideration of how the students’ critical thinking skills have advanced. Formative feedback will be provided by academic staff and peers. Although formative in nature, this is not an optional activity, all students are expected to participate.
Formative assessment feedback will be provided by lecturers and peers in the classroom.
Summative Assessment
Write a 3,000 word assignment in order to critically analyse and evaluate an example from practice; addressing the philosophy and theory underpinning the nursing knowledge related to your area.
This will include;
- A rationale for choosing the example from practice
- Critical reflection, using a model/theory as a guide/framework for your work
- Critical analysis and evaluation of contemporary evidence (from a variety of appropriate sources) in relation to chosen practice
- Objective evaluation of the actual care delivered and received by the patient
- Implications for future practice
- An appendix which represents the seminar presentation material used to disseminate the above knowledge (no more than 5 slides). Accompanying notes to this appendix (if needed) should not exceed 500 words.
Summative assessment feedback will be provided by lecturers using the recognised feedback process at level 7.
Hand in date 20/4/15
General Guidelines for Presentation of Assignments
- Confidentiality of place and person must be respected
- Assignment must be typed.
- Use double spacing to help facilitate reading and marking.
- Print only on one side of paper.
- Leave margins - left and right
- Number the pages
- Ensure that all the pages are held firmly together
- Submit your assignment in a single plastic folder. Do not put individual sheets in plastic sleeve or use a heavy ring binder.
- Keep a copy.
- Power point slides should be submitted in handout format with accompanying notes
- Please submit two copies of the assignment, one copy will be retained for quality assurance purposes
The identification by name of an individual or individuals, other than with informed consent or by the citation of published work where appropriate, will result in a mark of zero.
Acknowledgements contained as a prefix to assessed work are exempt from the above.
The identification of workplaces or employing authorities, other than through the citation of published work where appropriate, will result in the work receiving a maximum of the pass mark for the module as specified in ARNA.
Word limits are important in maintaining parity and you should not exceed the word limit that is clearly stated for each module. Students who exceed the word limit will be penalised accordingly
Words over | Penalty |
Up to 10% greater than specified | 5 marks |
10% or more | 10 marks |
Marking Criteria Level 7
Mark[1] | Comprehension & Application | Analysis and Synthesis | Evaluation | Presentation |
> 80 Outstanding | Outstandingly good use of explanation and summary. Outstanding use of primary sources of literature from a wide range of disciplines. | Extremely well developed, logical argument. Clear audit trail of reasoned debate and analysis. Original use of theory. Generates new perspectives of topic area. | Exceptionally high level of critical evaluation. Identifies all implications of critique | Outstanding use of English with distinct personal style. No grammatical errors. Referencing correct. Quotations used appropriately |
> 70 Excellent | Excellent use of explanation & summary. Excellent use of literature, mainly from primary sources. Question fully answered. | Very well developed logical argument. Clear audit trail of debate and analysis. Original use of theory. Sometimes generates new perspectives of topic area. | Excellent critical evaluation demonstrated. Identifies major and minor issues of relevance | Excellent use of English. No grammatical errors. No referencing errors. Quotations used appropriately. |
60-69 Commendable | Evidence of highly relevant understanding of principles. Up-to-date literature. Very good use of explanation & summary. | Clearly developed logical argument. Very good structure. Good audit trail of debate and analysis. Good use of theory | Identifies strengths and weaknesses of material. Identifies major and minor issues of relevance. | Clear use of English. No or few grammatical errors. Some minor referencing errors. Quotations used appropriately |
54-59 Clear Pass | Literature not always up-to date. Good use of explanation & summary. Question only partially answered. | Adequately developed argument. Structure fairly clear and presented satisfactorily. Some evidence of audit trail of debate | Identifies major and some minor issues. Evaluates major strengths & weaknesses. | Satisfactory use of English. No or few grammatical errors. A few inaccuracies in referencing. Rather too many quotations. |
50-54 Pass | Explanation & summary adequate. Some aspects of question answered. Limited use of literature. | Structure not entirely clear mostly descriptive. Argument occasionally confused. Little evidence of audit trail of debate. | Identifies some major issues. Limited critical appraisal of major strengths and weaknesses | Adequate use of English, though meaning clear. Some grammatical errors. Some missing references/errors. Excessive use of quotations. |
30-49 Fail | Tendency to be descriptive. Use of several secondary sources. Some essential issues omitted. | Weak structure and some confusion in presenting argument. No audit trail of debate. | Mainly descriptive with little or no critical appraisal. Few issues identified. | Inadequate use of English. Some grammatical errors. Referencing errors. Too many quotations used. |
< 29 Inadequate work | Inadequate. Inaccurate and outdated explanation and summarisation. Nothing of relevance. | No apparent structure. Totally confused | Appraisal/evaluation totally absent. No major issues identified. | Poor standard of grammar and spelling. Numerous referencing errors |
Overall Assessment | Mark |
% |
Assignment Feedback Sheet Identification and critical reflection of the issue to be addressed and rationale for the use of this example. Read More About : Managing Financial Resources Decisions Assignment Critical analysis and evaluation of contemporary evidence. Objective evaluation of the actual care received by the patient. Implications for future practice. Presentation. |
Moderator’s comments (if appropriate): |
Avis M., Freshwater D. (2006) Evidence for practice, epistemology, and critical reflection Nursing Philosophy 7, pp. 216–224
Bagay J.M. 2012 Self-Reflection in Nursing Journal of Professional Nursing 28 (2) pp130-131
Benner P. (1984) From Novice to Expert: Excellence and power in clinical nursing. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Cox L, Hill MC, Lack VM. [Eds](2012) Advanced Practice in Healthcare: Skills for nurses and allied health professionals. Routledge. London.
Eraut M (1994) Developing Professional Knowledge and Competence. Falmer Press.
Eraut M (1994) Developing Professional Knowledge and Competence. Falmer Press.
Estabrooks C.A., et al (2005) Sources of Practice knowledge among nurses Qualitive Health Research Vol 15, No 4, April, 460 -476
Evans D. (2003) Hierarchy of evidence: a framework for ranking evidence evaluating healthcare interventions Journal of Clinical Nursing 12: 77 – 84
Evans J. (2006) A Model to describe the Relationship between Knowledge, Skill, and Judgement on Nursing Practice Nursing Forum Vol 41, No 4 Oct – Dec 150 - 157
Gerrish K., Ashworth P.,Lacey J., Cooke J. Kendall S & McNeilly E. (2007) Factors influencing the development of evidence-based practice: a research tool. Journal of Advanced Nursing 57 (3) pp328-338
Gerrish K., Ashworth P.,Lacey J., Cooke J. Kendall S & McNeilly E. (2007) Factors influencing the development of evidence-based practice: a research tool. Journal of Advanced Nursing 57 (3) pp328-338
Greenhalgh T. (1997) How to read a paper: (systematic reviews and meta-analyses) British Medical Journal 315 (7109) p672-675
Greenhalgh T., Taylor R., (1997) How to read a paper – Papers that go beyond numbers (qualitative research) British Medical Journal 315 (7110) p740-743
Johns C. (1995) Framing learning through reflection within Carper's fundamental ways of knowing in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 22 pp226-234
Johns C. (1995) Framing learning through reflection within Carper's fundamental ways of knowing in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 22 pp226-234
Oelofson N. (2012) Developing Reflective Practice: A guide for students and practitioners of health and social care. Lantern Publishing Limited. Banbury UK.
Petr CG., Walter UM. (2009) Evidence-based practice: a critical reflection. European Journal of Social Work Vol.12, No. 2 p221-232
Purkis M.E & Bjornsdottir K. (2006) Intelligent nursing: accounting for knowledge as action in practice. Nursing Philosophy 7 pp247-256
Reed J. & Procter S. (1993) Nurse Education: A reflective approach. Edward Arnold, London.
Sackett D.L., Rosenburg W.M.C., Muir Gray J.A., Haynes R.B. & Richardson W.S. (1996) Evidence Based Medicine: what it is and what it isn't. British Medical Journal, January, 312, pp71-72.
Purkis M.E & Bjornsdottir K. (2006) Intelligent nursing: accounting for knowledge as action in practice. Nursing Philosophy 7 pp247-256
Reed J. & Procter S. (1993) Nurse Education: A reflective approach. Edward Arnold, London.
Sackett D.L., Rosenburg W.M.C., Muir Gray J.A., Haynes R.B. & Richardson W.S. (1996) Evidence Based Medicine: what it is and what it isn't. British Medical Journal, January, 312, pp71-72.
Sackett DL., Straus SE., Richardson WS., Rosenberg W., Haynes RB. (2000) Evidence Based Medicine. How to practice and Teach EBM. London: Churchill Livingstone
Schon D.A. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner, Temple Smith, London.
Taylor C. (2000) Clinical problem solving in nursing: insights from the literature.
Schon D.A. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner, Temple Smith, London.
Taylor C. (2000) Clinical problem solving in nursing: insights from the literature.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31,4, pp842-849.
Cochrane Library:
Bibliographic Databases: CINAHL,MEDLINE
Seminars are intended to be informative, informal discussions, based around prior reading and experience.
It is intended that you will be able to discuss the relevance of theory to your practice and identify any need for change, or need for further research or debate.
Discussion should be supported by reference to appropriate sources of knowledge.
Initially, asking the right questions is more important than looking for answers. If you don’t know what question to ask, you will never get answers.
Seminars should be student led. The teacher’s role is simply to keep things flowing and ask questions, not give answers.
It is expected that everyone will participate. Those who do not are taking from the group and not giving back. It is accepted, however, that certain students will have more to give than others.
Seminars should be enjoyable. So relax and have fun and most importantly, it is surprising what you can learn from each other.
[1] Performance is indicated by shaded area and / or bold text / circled / underlined
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