Human Resource Challenges
MODULE: HRM 3007 - Strategic HRM 2015-2016
MODULE: HRM 3007 - Strategic HRM 2015-2016
Module Code
Credit Value
Module Tutor
Kevin Lamb
Assignment Brief
There are two choices.
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Question 1 is about Individual Performance Related Pay
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Assignment title:
and its links to motivation.
Question 2 is about Human Resource Challenges in a
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specific country.
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January 28th 2016
Feedback and
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Grades due:
February 25th 2016
Resit Date
Date to be Confirmed
Continued below
Purpose Of The Assessment
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The purpose of this assignment is to test your level of knowledge and understanding of specific Human Resource issues and research findings and your ability to use these in producing a well written and persuasive essay.
Assessment Task
Your task is to complete sufficient reading and any other independent research in order to produce a good quality essay solely focused on one of the 2 the questions below:
Question 1
Drawing on published research, critically evaluate the extent to which individual performance related pay can stimulate higher levels of performance from employees.
Ensure that in answering this question you take account of contextual issues such as those concerning the type of occupation and individual differences etc.
Question 2
Part A. Identify and explain the main Human Resource challenges facing organisations in any country of your choice.
Part B. Select any 2 of these challenges and analyse the HR practices and strategies that organisations could or are following to overcome and tackle them.
You must choose one of the above 2 questions.
You must write an essay (not a report) but may use sub headings if you wish.
Word length: The essay must be approximately 2,500 words in length, not including any appendices. You can exceed the word count above by up to 10%.
Please read the assessment criteria below carefully before you begin the reading for your essay to help you do well.
Assessment Breakdown
(a)Presentation, grammar, writing style, use of correct
referencing methods.
(b)Use made of relevant academic literature and
research to support views.
(c)Level of critical analysis / demonstration of subject
(d)Focus on the question and development of logical
arguments and conclusions.
Assessment Submission
To submit your work, please go to the ‘Submit your work’ area of the Module NILE site. It is important that you submit your work to the correct module NILE site, and that your work is submitted on time.
Assessment Guidance
It is expected that in order to attain a good grade you will devote between 20 – 30 hours of reading to this assignment before writing the final essay.
It is also expected that in completing Question 1 a minimum of 15 references will be used and that a minimum of 10 will be used for question 2. Question 1 asks you to use ‘published research’ which means research done by others such as journal articles. Text books may be used for part of this question but you will also need to find, read and use journal articles for Question 1 otherwise you will not meet the pass criteria for using published research. The reference numbers above are a minimum.
Use of journal articles for Question 2 is also expected but not totally essential if, and only if, you manage to find and use a range of other good sources. For this question you will need to find and read a good number of reputable sources from and about the country you are focusing on. Make sure you write about organisations in general
not any specific organisation, although you can devote a small number of words to specific organisations as examples if you want.
Academic Practice
This is an individual assignment. The University of Northampton policy will apply in all cases of copying, plagiarism or any other methods by which students have obtained (or attempted to obtain) an unfair advantage.
Support and guidance on assessments and academic integrity can be found from the following resources
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes being addressed through this assignment are:
Question 1 and Question 2 both have direct and indirect relevance to the learning outcomes below:
Knowledge and Understanding
- Understand, examine and assess the main drivers, enablers, barriers and blockages in relation to the development and implementation of different HR strategies
- Critically evaluate the significance of different human resource policies, processes and practices for the particular contexts in which organisations may operate and analyse the major factors involved in their design.
- Analyse the main factors governing relationships between line managers and human resource/personnel managers and devise strategies to enhance such relationships.
- Evaluate management actions in the treatment of employees in terms of 'ethical',’ legal’ and 'managerial' criteria.
Subject-specific Skills
Design and tailor HR policies and strategies to 'fit' particular organisational contexts.
Key Skills
Learning to Learn
Develop an awareness of one’s own strengths and weaknesses in analysing material and formulating logical and coherent proposals.
Communication Skills
Communicate effectively to an acceptable and appropriate standard in terms of written communication.
Undertake and complete individual study activities to an appropriate standard within a set timescale.
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