BLB10089 Strategic Management
B.A. (Hons) Staffordshire University
B.A. (Hons) Staffordshire University
SUBJECT NAME: Strategic Management
SEMESTER: March 2015
Assessment: Assignment
Due Date: 26th June 2015; 4:30pm
Word Limit: 2200 words
Please read the following information VERY CAREFULLY. Please consult your lecturer for any clarification before submission.
- Assignment Instructions
You are required to prepare assignment by carefully studying and answering the questions at the end of the case as follow:
GUM Industries Sdn. Bhd. – The Toyota Crisis by Kenny Teoh and Yee Choy Leong. Strategic Management (Mohamed, Ho, and Wong, 2010), Oxford University Press.
- Use the Porter’s Five Forces Model explain in detail what are the challenges and opportunities of competing in the material handling equipment industry (MHEI).
(25% of total marks)
- What are GUM strengths and weaknesses? Do these strengths provide GUM with any sources of sustainable competitive advantage? (25% of total marks)
- How are Toyota’s Forklift positioned in the market? How do its functional-level strategies align with this positioning? (20% of total marks)
- Prepare a set of recommendations on how to get GUM out of this situation as instructed by Mr. Tan. (30% of total marks)
The assignment contributes to 75% of total marks on this module. Answers to the assignment questions must be given in a concise format that demonstrates your understanding of the case. Supporting sources of contextual evidence/argument and related literature should be referenced.
- Learning outcomes and criteria for assessment.
The following learning outcomes will be assessed in this assignment:
- Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical evaluation of the key aspects of the strategic management process.
- Demonstrate the ability to compare different theories and perspectives of strategic management and appraise them appropriately.
- Critically evaluate theories and concepts of strategic management. Analyse and apply appropriate problem solving techniques and knowledge learned to solving complex business problems.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate complex issues.
- General Marking Criteria for Case Study (Maximum 100 marks)
The highest grade will be awarded to students who demonstrate the following:
Clear knowledge (60+ Marks) of the main concepts applied to this context. Excellent rigour demonstrated in the consistent application of related theory with very clear evidence from the case. Well reference made to the related literature on strategic management in a reflective way. Excellent communications skills demonstrated in the portfolio and presentation.
A good grade will be awarded to students who demonstrate the following:
- Good knowledge (50 to 59 Marks) of the main concepts applied to this context. Good rigour demonstrated in the consistent application of related theory with clear evidence from the case. Good reference made to the related literature on strategic management in a reflective way. Good communications skills demonstrated in the portfolio and presentation.
A satisfactory grade will be awarded to students who demonstrate
- Some knowledge (40 to 49 Marks) of the main concepts applied to this context and attempts to demonstrate the application of related theory with some evidence from the case. Engages in some literature on strategic management in a reflective way. Satisfactory communications skills demonstrated in the portfolio and presentation.
An unsatisfactory grade will be awarded to students who demonstrate
- Limited knowledge (0 to 39 Marks) of the main concepts applied to this context and does not demonstrate the application of related theory to the case. Emphasis is on description than a convincing application of theory/models and the use of available evidence to support answers.
- Assignment submission.
The Examination Section must receive your Individual Assignment by 4:30 pm on Friday 26thJune 2015. It will, of course, be accepted at an earlier date, but late submissions will not be awarded a mark unless you successfully make a claim under the extenuating circumstances procedure (see SU Student Handbook).
- Submission arrangements.
You must hand in one copy of your assignment, stapled to a completed Assignment Attachment Sheet which is available at the Academic Support Unit. Submission is at the counter of the Examination Unit. During normal office hours, staff will be available to receive these assignments. You are strongly advised to keep at least a photocopy or a copy of this assignment on disk.
Ø Plagiarism will be severely penalised. The University publishes a fully detailed description of what the term plagiarism means on the University website. Unless your claim of extenuating circumstances is upheld, late submission will not be marked and zero mark will be awarded.
- A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by which the limit has been exceeded :
1-10% excess | no penalty |
11-20% excess | 10% reduction in the mark |
21-30% excess | 20% reduction in the mark |
31%+ excess | the work will be capped at a pass i.e. 40% or grade point 4 |
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