Impact On Cyber Crime In UK On The Companies Of The World
Cyber-crime is one of the most severe problems the world is facing today. Cyber-crime includes a number of crimes such as phishing, frauds related to credit cards, bank robbery, illegal downloading and sexploitation etc. The cyber-crime has a very severe negative impact on the society. Not only the general public is affected by the cyber-crime but even the businesses are also facing a challenge to tackle the problem of cyber-crime. A study has revealed that every year the cyber-crime costs the businesses of the world £265bn (Ashford, 2014). The cybercrime is costing the economy of the world with billions of dollars and making the businesses declining.
Essay Question 1: Choose one issue out of the topic of ONE country: Conflict

- Digital Piracy: The digital piracy is one of the most common crimes under cyber-crime. The people sometimes commit this crime without actually knowing it. The digital piracy may be defined as unauthorized downloading of the music files, the movies and software etc. (Youth and Media, 2007). Downloading a song from a site for free might not look a big deal to us but the impact is so dire that where the growth of the music world was 25% in 2008, fell down to 12% in 2010 (Webroot, 2015).
- Money Laundering: The money laundering is the activity where the stealers try to disguise their transactions (Fintrac, 2015), in a manner that the transfer of money seems legal but in reality this transfer is illegal (Layton, 2015).
- Counterfeiting: The increased usage of the computers have also made it easier to counterfeit the money. Counterfeiting is the activity where the duplicate currency is printed same as the original currency without ever authorizing this money by the government of that country (Brain, 2015).
Effects of the Cyber Crime on the companies of UK
In UK the use of the computers for the business is on penetration. In fact UK is one of the top companies known for its technology based companies. This has made the UK companies more vulnerable to the cyber-crime. Their security is even more prone to be damaged. The netizens losses of UK are:
The activities of cyber-crime are contributing to the world financial crisis (Infosec, 2013). The cost of the cyber-crime is estimated around $445. (Williams, 2014)
Impact on Cyber Crime in UK on the Companies of the world
- Clean Up Remediation Costs: Once a company encountered with the cyber-crime it has to bear the clean-up cost or the cost of taking the remedies against the damage of the crime.
- Disruption to Operations: The cyber-crime can be so severe that the normal operations might get disrupt or may get stopped.
- Stealing Information/Theft of IT Assess: The companies have to bear serious losses due to their information theft (CPNI, 2014).
Impact on Individuals
- Stealing Identity: The identity of the individuals can be stolen by the stealers.
- Fund Transfer: The transfer of the funds can also occur through the cyber-crime (Detica, 2015).
Remedies of Cyber-crime
- Anti-Spyware.
- Encrypted USB Flash drives.
- Private Proxy Servers (Dooly, 2015).
The assignment was focussed on the major crisis of the country UK. Cyber crime affects the industry of the countries as well as the societies and need to be addressed properly because their impact is not local, it is GLOBAL.
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