This is a solution of Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Development that describes about Developing business
Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism Development
Module Booklet
Being green, being environmentally sound, seeking a sustainable lifestyle, embarking on eco tourism holidays – those are just a few examples of the language of sustainable tourism. But what do they mean? How do we come to a definition of sustainable tourism? Sustainability is now one of the most common concepts used in tourism system development discussions both academically and in travel and tourism industry (Cooper 1995). More and more travel agencies and tour operators are embracing travel projects which are sustainable and which have a positive impact in the communities travelled and visited. The analytical framework of sustainability is broad encompassing both economic, environmental and socio-cultural impacts (see Cooper 1995 and Hall & Lew 1998). Sustainable development is now part of the agenda of both nations, travel organisations, airlines and also in the accommodation sector.
The aim of this unit is for learners to gain understanding of the rationale and different approaches to tourism planning and development, sustainable tourism, current issues and impacts of tourism.
Unit Abstract
This unit aims to increase learners’ awareness of the need to plan and manage tourism at all levels within an international, national, regional and local frameworks. Emphasis is placed on current trends in planning for tourism development in a range of destinations. The stages in the planning process are identified and learners will be encouraged to apply theoretical models to practical case studies and site visits.
The principles and philosophy of sustainable development are introduced in this unit and learners will be required to show an in-depth understanding of issues such as carrying capacities, environmental impact and the guest-host relationships as they relate to current tourism initiatives, e.g. access, conservation, enclave tourism.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
- Understand the rationale for planning in the travel and tourism industry
- Understand different approaches to tourism planning and development
- Understand the need for planning for sustainable tourism
- Understand current issues related to tourism development planning
- Understand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in developing countries and emerging destinations.
Knowledge and understanding:
- Planning in travel and tourism industry
- Approaches to national, regional and destination planning
- Sustainability and sustainable tourism
- Impacts of tourism development
Indicative content:
- Be able to understand the rationale for planning in the travel and tourism industry
Rationale: to achieve the determined objectives eg improved employment opportunities, protection and conservation of wildlife, landscape, co-ordination between public/private partners, to maximise benefits, provide infrastructure, co-ordinate development, consumer protection; involvement of stakeholders eg developers, tourism industry, tourists and host community; public/private partnerships and advantages/disadvantages of; effective use of resources eg infrastructure; natural, cultural, heritage, human resources.
- Understand different approaches to tourism planning and development
Planning: environmental; economic; social; international; national; regional; local; strategic; short term; qualitative; quantitative; methods of measuring tourism impact eg Cambridge Economic Impact Model (STEAM), Environmental Impact Studies, Pro Poor Tourism; Responsible Tourism, interactive planning systems and processes
Development: preservation, conservation, new build
- Understand the need for planning for sustainable tourism
Sustainable tourism: definitions eg. Brundtland Report (1987), Triple Bottom Line, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), Principles for Sustainable Development (1995)
Principles: planning considerations, benefits to the environment, the host community, the tourism industry, the visitor; factors of supply of facilities and resource weighed against demand; proposed developments eg infrastructure required; interdependence eg of society, economy and the natural environment; citizenship eg rights and responsibilities, participation and cooperation; future generations; sustainable change eg development
- Understand current issues related to tourism development planning
Current issues: conflict eg tension between the planner, tour operator, tourist, government, developer, local community, guest-host relationship; impacts eg economic, social, environmental; access eg balance of supply and demand, imposition of limits, pressure on finite resources; enclave tourism eg advantages and disadvantages to the local community, moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism
- Understand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in developing countries and emerging destinations
Socio-cultural: social change, changing values, crime and gambling, moral behavior, change in family structure and roles, tourist/host/relationships, provision of social services, commercialization of culture and art, revitalization of customs and art forms, destruction and preservation of heritage
Environmental: types of conservation and pollution eg air, visual, noise etc, land use, ecological disruption, pressures on infrastructure and finite resources, erosion, preservation of environment eg national parks, drainage, irrigation
Economic: generation of employment, provision of foreign exchange, multiplier effect of tourism as contribution to the balance of payments, economic leakage, development of the private sector, foreign ownership and management
Developing countries: countries eg India, Thailand, Jordan
Emerging destinations: destinations for medical tourism eg India, Thailand, Hungary; other destinations eg Bulgaria, Qatar, Shanghai
Programme Specification
Accrediting Body: EDEXCEL
Wk Lecture Schedule Outcome of session Activity/seminar and formative assessment Resources
Introduction to the module
Address the mode of assessment
Group discussion about the scenario with regards to the assignment and relevant tasks to be addressed Awareness of the module content
Challenges to the LO to be addressed
Case study and group discussion Module outline and qualification frame work2
Planning in travel and tourism industry Understand the principles of planning
Be able to explain different approaches to planning
Be able to review benefits of planning for tourism development Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC1.1, 1.2 Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites. Read More About : Higher National Diploma in Business
Understand different approaches to planning Understand the principles of planning
Be able to explain different approaches to planning
Be able to review different levels of planning Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC2.1,2.2.Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites, videos 4
Understand different approaches to planning II Understand methods for measuring tourism impacts Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing 2.3 Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites 5
Sustainable tourism – definition and basics Define sustainable tourism
Explain sustainable development
Understand the principles of sustains separability studies, addressing AC 3.1 Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites 6 Sustainable tourism - principles Understand the principles of sustainability and sustainable tourism Case studies, addressing AC 3.2 Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites 7
Sustainable planning Be able to explain the rationale behind sustainable planning
Explain the benefits of sustainability for private and public authorities Case studies, discussion, group tasks, addressing Ac 3.3 Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites, videos, 8
Understand current issues related to tourism development planningBe able to explain current stakeholder issues in sustainable planning Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC 4.1 Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites, movies9 Understand current issues related to tourism development planning IIBe able to explain current stakeholder issues in sustainable planning Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC 4.2Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites, movies
Enclave tourism Explain enclave tourism
Evaluate moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC4.3 Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites11
Tourism impacts – management and development Explain the nature of tourism development
Identify positive and negative impacts Group discussion, research, addressing AC5.1 Power Point presentation, activities, Internet websites, visits12
Tourism impacts - developing vs developed economies Compare developing and developed tourism destinations
Explain examples of current issues Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC5.1 and 5.2Power Point presentation, activities, Internet website
Tourism impacts - developing vs developed economies (case studies)Compare developing and developed tourism destinations
Explain examples of current issues Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing AC5.1 and 5.2Power Point presentation, activities, Internet website
Practice lesson - case studies, exercises and class tasks Demonstrate topic knowledge
Demonstrate analytical skills Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing All Superpower Point presentation, activities, Internet website
Revision, summarizing Revising and summarizing unit Case study, activities, group discussion, research, addressing all ACs Power Point presentation, 16
Assignment Support Assignment Support
One to one support Module booklet
Print outs
Academic textbooks 17 Assignment Support Assignment Support One to one support 18 Assignment Support Assignment Support One to one support 19 Assessment, re submission and feedback Providing feedback, assessment and assignment guidance 20 Assessment, re submission and feedback Providing feedback, assessment and assignment guidance 21 Assessment, re submission and feedback Providing feedback, assessment and assignment guidance
Print outs
Academic textbooks 17 Assignment Support Assignment Support One to one support 18 Assignment Support Assignment Support One to one support 19 Assessment, re submission and feedback Providing feedback, assessment and assignment guidance 20 Assessment, re submission and feedback Providing feedback, assessment and assignment guidance 21 Assessment, re submission and feedback Providing feedback, assessment and assignment guidance
Recommended text and links:
Cooper, C., Fletcher. J., Fyall, A., Gilbert, D. (2008) Tourism: Principles and Practice. London: Routledge.
Hall, M. & A. Lew ( 1998) Sustainable Tourism : A Geographical Perspective. London: CAB.
Hall, M. & A. Lew ( 1998) Sustainable Tourism : A Geographical Perspective. London: CAB.
Harris, R., Williams, P., Griffin, T. (2002) Sustainable Tourism: A Global Perspective. London: Routledge
Page S.J. , & Connell, J (2006) Tourism: A Modern Synthesis, 2nd Edition Thomson Learning, London;
Sharpley, R (2003) Tourism, Tourist and Society, Huntindon: ELM Publications
Swarbrooke, J. (1999) Sustainable Tourism Management. Oxford: CABI Publishing.
Weaver, D. (2007) Sustainable Tourism. London: Routledge.
Journals and newspapers
- Journal of Sustainable Tourism
- Annals of Tourism Research
- Tourism Management
- European Journal of Tourism Research
- Current Issues in Travel & Tourism
- Annals of American Geographers
- Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
- London 2012 Olympic Games
- Youtube videos
Module Leader: Nikola Naumov
Lecturer: Ana Afonso Gomes
Assignment brief created by : Ana Afonso Gomes
Campus: WH/ LH
Contact details: /
The module will be assessed meeting all the LO as specified by the awarding body, Ed Excel. Please read the instructions carefully while addressing the tasks specified.
Contribution: of the module: 100%
Outline Details: report approx 4000 words. Details enclosed in the assignment brief.
Teaching and Learning Activities
The module tutor(s) will aim to combine lectures with tutorial activities. This environment will provide opportunities for the student to understand the course material through case study and text and to apply it in a practical way. The intent is to facilitate interactive class activities, and discussion about the significant role of research in a global and local business environment.
2.3 Teaching Ethos
The college’s approach towards teaching and learning is simple and effective. The main aim of UKCBC is to assist learners in maximizing their potential by ensuring that they are taught clearly and effectively. This will enable students to engage in the learning environment and promote success in both their academic studies and subsequent career.
2.3.1 Methods of Delivery:
These will be developed around the key concepts as mentioned in the indicative course content and will use a range of live examples and cases from business practice to demonstrate the application of theoretical concepts. This method is primarily used to identify and explain key aspects of the subject so that learners can utilise their private study time more effectively.
These are in addition to the lectures. The seminars are designed to give learners the opportunity to test their understanding of the material covered in the lectures and private study with the help of reference books. This methodology usually carries a set of questions identified in advance. Seminars are interactive sessions led by the learners. This method of study gives the learner an excellent opportunity to clarify any points of difficulty with the tutor and simultaneously develop their oral communication skills.
These are in addition to the lectures. The seminars are designed to give learners the opportunity to test their understanding of the material covered in the lectures and private study with the help of reference books. This methodology usually carries a set of questions identified in advance. Seminars are interactive sessions led by the learners. This method of study gives the learner an excellent opportunity to clarify any points of difficulty with the tutor and simultaneously develop their oral communication skills.
An important learning methodology is the extensive use of case studies. They enable learners to apply the concepts that they learn in their subjects. The learners have to study the case, analyse the facts presented and arrive at conclusions and recommendations. This assists in the assessment of the learner’s ability to apply to the real world the tools and techniques of analysis which they have learnt. The case study serves as a supplement to the theoretical knowledge imparted through the course work.
An important learning methodology is the extensive use of case studies. They enable learners to apply the concepts that they learn in their subjects. The learners have to study the case, analyse the facts presented and arrive at conclusions and recommendations. This assists in the assessment of the learner’s ability to apply to the real world the tools and techniques of analysis which they have learnt. The case study serves as a supplement to the theoretical knowledge imparted through the course work.
Any act of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with according to the colleges and awarding bodies’ regulations. In this context the definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work as your won. It includes copying information directly from the web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework form another student and submitting it as your own work.Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student code of conduct.)
Unit: 7 – Sustainable Tourism Development Learning Hours: 60 Hours. Self-learning hours: 90 hours.Course: HND TTM – Level 5 CREDIT VALUE: 15 CREDITS Term: One Module Leader: Nikola Naumov
Lecturer: ANA AFONSO GOMESVerifier: Mr George Muwonge
Learners Name Registration Number Learners Declaration: I certify that the work submitted for this unit is my own:Signed:Hand out Date: Submission Date:
The Following Sections to be completed by the assessor:
Center Name :UKCBC Center Number: Please note that the assessors signature below denotes conformation that he/she has in no way influenced the outcome of the assessment:
Assessors Name:Assessors Signature:Has the unit been Internally Verified? Y/N
Date of verification:Internal verifiers signature:Internal verifiers assignment brief:
Due Dates Issue Date 20/11/2014 Final Due Date for Sept 2014 intake 12/02/2015 Due Task- 111/12/2014 Due Task- 208/01/2015 Due Task- 322/01/2015 Due Task 4
Due Task 505/02/2015
Unit Outcomes
Outcome Evidence for the criteria to pass.Assessors decision Internal verification decision. (agree, disagree)
Your task is to conduct an online research of London Olympiad constructed for 2012 Games and analyse the regeneration process of the East London. In doing so, examine how stakeholders have and can still benefit from planning of tourism activities and further discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private/public partnerships. Make sure you cover LO1.1 and LO1.2 (approx... 800 to 1000 words).LO 1 Understand the rationale for
planning in the travel and tourism industry 1.1 Discuss how stakeholders have and can still benefit from planning of
tourism developments with reference to London Olympiad
(P,M,D)1.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
public/private sector tourism planning partnerships
drawing on London Olympic
(P,M,D)Summarized Feedback for Task 1(Constructive feedback for 1.1 and 1.2, Pass, merit and distinction.) IV comments towards
Task 1
By using the scenario of London Olympiad, analyse the development of tourism at different levels, is there still tourist attraction. In doing so, explain different levels of planning and evaluate the significance of planning systems and processes in tourism development. Finally, explain some methods available to measure the impact of tourist over East London. Make sure you cover LO2.1, LO2.2 and LO.2.3 (approx. 800 words).LO 2. Understand different approaches to tourism planning and development 2.1 Analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels for London Olympiad P2.1
2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism developments for London Olympiad P2.2
(P,M,D)2.3 Evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact with reference to Olympiad P2.3
(P,M,D)Summarized Feedback for Task 2(Constructive feedback for 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Pass merit and distinction.)IV comments towards
Task 2 TASK 3
By using the scenario of London Olympiad, analyse the concept of sustainable tourism and what measures of sustainability has been applied in the presented case study. By doing so, explain different factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable product development and focus on different stages in planning for sustainability. Make sure you cover LO3.1, LO3.2 and LO3.3 (approx. 800 words).LO 3. Understand the need for planning for sustainable tourism Justify the introduction of the concept of sustainability in tourism development with reference to London Olympiad P3.1
(P,M,D)3.2 Analyse factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable
tourism development for London Olympiad P3.2
(P,M,D)3.3 Analyse different stages in planning for sustain ability P3.3
(P,M,D)Summarized Feedback for Task 3(Constructive feedback for 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, Pass merit and distinction.)IV comments towards
Task 3TASK 4
Your task is to analyse the potential conflicts in Casa de Campos. Think about the tensions between tour operators (e.g. British, American) and local government, developers of tourism and environmental conservationists, guest and local population, etc. Then explain how a balance between supply of tourism products and demand for tourism services can be achieved. Finally, explain the concept of enclave tourism and give more details about moral and ethical issues related to it. Make sure you cover LO4.1, LO4.2 and LO4.3 (approx. 800 words).
LO 4. Understand current issues related to tourism
development planning and development P4.1 Evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future well being of a developing tourism destination with reference to the above scenario P4.1
- (P,M,D)P4.1
- (P,M,D)P4.2 Analyse the implications of balancing supply and demandP4.2
- (P,M,D)P4.2
- (P,M,D)P4.3 Evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourismP4.3
- (P,M,D)P4.3
(P,M,D)Summarized Feedback for Task 4(reflecting 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, Pass merit and distinction.)IV comments towards
Task 4
Choose a long haul destination from a developing country such as India , Thailand, Nepal or Vietnam, AND from an emerged country such as France, UK and Spain of your choice and provide an in-depth explanation of the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in developing countries or emerged destination chosen. Make sure you cover LO5.1 and LO5.2 (approx. 800 words).
P5. Understand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in developing countries and emerging destinations P5.1 Compare current issues associated with tourism development in a developing country and an emerging destination where the impacts of tourism are different for your chosen destination
- P5.1
- (P,M,D)
- P5.1
- (P,M,D)
- P5.2 Evaluate, with recommendations, the future development of tourism in these chosen destinations
- P5.2
- (P,M,D)
- P5.2
(P,M,D)Summarized Feedback for Task 5(reflecting 5.1, 5.2, Pass merit and distinction.)IV comments towards
Task 5
Merit grades awarded M1M2M3P1P2P3P4P5 Distinction grades awarded D1D2D3 Resubmit:Any other comments
Grade given by the Assessor:
Pass Merit Distinction
Assessors Signature: Date:IV Grading Check: Comments if any:
Disagree Modify grade to
IV signature:
Date:Students feedback:
Student Signature: Date:Plagiarism:
Any act of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with according to the colleges and awarding bodies’ regulations. In this context the definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work as your won. It includes copying information directly from the web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework form another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student code of conduct.)
Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work as your won. It includes copying information directly from the web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework form another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student code of conduct.)
TASK 1 to TASK 5: You are required to follow the instructions as specified towards each task and support with a research by using supportive materials like books, websites, etc., and give a feedback on the findings by relating your arguments to the relevant case studies as specified towards each task:
London in July 2005 has won the host of the Olympic Games for the year 2012. From 2005 to 2012 East London was subject to multimillionaire projects to regenerate the area, host the Olympic Games, attract millions of tourists to London and UK and to boost the British economy.
Your task is to conduct an online research of London Olympiad and analyse the regeneration process of the East London. I doing so, examine how stakeholders can benefit from planning of tourism activities and further discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private/public partnerships (approx. 800 words).
P1.1 Discuss how stakeholders can benefit from planning of tourism developments with reference to a current case study.
P 1.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector tourism planning partnerships drawing on the chosen case study
By using the scenario of London Olympiad, analyse the development of tourism at different levels. In doing so, explain different levels of planning and evaluate the significance of planning systems and processes in tourism development. Finally, explain some methods available to measure the impact of tourist over East London (approx. 800 words).
P 2.1 Analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels with reference to London Olympiad
P 2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development with reference to London Olympiad.
P 2.3 Evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact with reference to London Olympiad.
By using the scenario of London Olympiad, analyse the concept of sustainable tourism and what measures of sustainability has been applied in the presented case study. By doing so, explain different factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable development and focus on different stages in planning for sustainability (approx. 800 words).
P3.1 Justify the introduction of the concept of sustainability in tourism development with reference to the London Olympiad.
P3.2 Analyse factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable tourism development with reference to London Olympiad.
P3.3 Analyse different stages in planning for sustainability with reference to London Olympiad
Case Study
The Dominican Republic shares with Haiti the Island of la Hispaniola, the second largest in the Caribbean, where Christopher Columbus first set foot in America. Its 1,600 kilometer of coast, green hills and tropical climate are promoted as a complete holiday destination. In the 1970s, the World Bank promoted the Puerto Plata tourism project on the North Coast. After its success, private investors, mostly European, have increased the number of rooms to more than 34,000, with tourist arrivals reaching 2,000,000 in 1996.
When in 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Hispaniola (today known as Haiti and Dominican Republic), he said: "There Is No Other Island In The World More Beautiful Then This One"...And he was right.
The Casa de Campo: a Tourist resort in Dominican Republic
Casa de Campo holds a very special place in the hearts of all who have visited it. An amazing 7,000-acre hotel, resort and residential community, unlike any other Caribbean destination, Casa de Campo is a tropical gem on the south-eastern coast of the Dominican Republic. Its unique cache of facilities and impeccable service by a warm Dominican staff are treasured by people of all ages who come from all around the world.
A tropical playground with world-class toys, Casa de Campo's unsurpassed amenities, choice of hotel and villa accommodations, variety of dining options and ease of accessibility by air or by sea, is the perfect vacation spot for families, golfers couples, friends traveling together, for group meetings, incentives and destination weddings!
In addition to the phenomenal golf, Casa de Campo has many exciting sporting options, each featuring an expert staff and the most comprehensive facilities found in the Caribbean! Novices can try new sports, and experts can polish existing skills in tennis,sport shooting, and at our Equestrian Center. Families enjoy the many bonding activities scheduled, as well as supervised programs for kids and teens.
Resort Map
More info at:
Your task is to analyse the potential conflicts in Casa de Campo. Think about the tensions between tour operators (e.g. British, American) and local government, developers of tourism and environmental conservationists, guest and local population, etc. Then explain how a balance between supply of tourism products and demand for tourism services can be achieved. Finally, explain the concept of enclave tourism and give more details about moral and ethical issues related to it (approx. 800 words).
P4.1 Evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future wellbeing of a developing tourism destination such as Casa do Campo region in Dominican Republic.
P 4.2 Analyse the implications of balancing supply and demand with reference to the case study assigned for task 4.
P 4.3 Evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism of the Hotel resort Casa do Campo (see website above)
Task 5
Choose a long haul destination from a developing country such as India , Thailand, Nepal or Vietnam, AND from an emerged country such as France, UK and Spain of your choice and provide an in-depth explanation of the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in developing countries or emerged destination chosen (approx. 800 words)
P5.1 - Compare current issues associated with tourism development in a developing country and an emerging destination where the impacts of tourism are different for the chosen destination.
P5.2 – Evaluate, with recommendations, the future development of tourism in these chosen destinations.
Assignment created by the Lecturer Ana Alfonso HOMES, October 2014
Assignment Guidelines:
- Use a standard report structure, Word-process the report and use Normal script of a proper font size 12.
- Produce an academic report, detailing the above issues with a word limit of 4000 to 4500 words.
- Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity.
- The Assignment sheet should be attached in the front.
- Submit the document in a folder in the form of a file as well as a soft copy on the submission date.
- It should be uploaded on E-Learning platform before the deadline and submitted to -------- and sign the submission form of the college.
- Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless mitigating and may be entitled for a late fee.
- Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided.
- Start each answer on a new page and pages should be numbered. Highlight each question clearly.
- Include a Bibliography at the end of the assignment and use the Harvard referencing system.
- All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully acknowledged, such as books and journals, websites (include the date of visit), etc.
- Try to give the page numbers, publishers' details and the year of publication
- In order to pass you need to address all the LO
- In order to get a merit you need to address the characteristics of M1, M2,M3
- In order to get a Distinction you need to address the characteristics of D1, D2 and D3.Use a common format for the questions, for example:
- Introduction (analyze the question.)
- Underpinning Knowledge (write about the relevant theory/points)
- Applied knowledge(Data Analysis)
- Conclusions and Recommendations (summarizing the whole scenario keeping in view pass, merit, distinction criteria.)
- Student feedback form with the Assessment Grid indicating their pass, merit and distinction:
Name: Registration Number:
Unit: Sustainable tourism development
Outcomes/criteria:Indicative characteristically biofeedback.
As per the assessment criteria specified for pass
Task 4Merit Description:M. Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions.. . Effective judgments have been made.. . An effective approach to study and research has been used. M2. Select/ design and apply appropriate methods/ techniques... . A range of sources of information used.. .Appropriate learning methods/ techniques applied.
M3. Present and communicate appropriate findings.. Appropriate structure and approach has been used.. Logical and coherent arguments have been presented.... Familiar and unfamiliar contexts have been used.. It is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences.Distinction Description. Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion.. Synthesis has been used to generate and justify valid conclusions. The validity of results has been judged. Self-criticism of approach has taken place.. Evaluation has taken place using defined criteria. Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success. D2. Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities.Autonomy/independence demonstrated Substantial activities/projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organized.The unforeseen has been accommodated.The importance of interdependence has been recognized. D3. Demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking Ideas generate and decisions taken Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied Capacity for innovation and creative thought has been used. Receptiveness to new ideas has demonstrated.Unfamiliar contexts have been applied.
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