Business School
School of Accountancy
Due: 22 April, 2015, 9 pm
Submission: Assignment Minder
Type: Individual
Weighting: 25%
Length: 1,000 words (excluding references)
This assessment item assesses the following learning outcomes:
Higher Order Thinking (HO)
2.1 Critically investigate real world business issues and problems drawing on analysis, evaluation and synthesis of discipline knowledge, including theory and practice.
Professional Communication (PC)
3.1 Use information literacy skills and communicate effectively and professionally in written forms and using media appropriate for diverse purposes, contexts and audiences.
Social, Ethical & Global Understanding (SE)
5.1 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of ethical and legal principles and practices of business in critically analysing and effectively responding to complex business issues.
5.2 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of socially responsible behaviour in analysing and addressing business issues and critically reflect on the responsibilities and impacts of organisations in national and international business contexts.
Late Assessment
Assessment submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1 or 0%. If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the assessment due date, you can apply for an extension. If you don’t have an approved extension you should submit the work you have completed by the due date and it will be marked against the assessment criteria.
ASX Listing Rule 3.1 requires a listed company to immediately notify the ASX of any information concerning it that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of the entity’s securities.

Copy and include them in your assignment with a brief description about each one and which part of the ruling triggered the disclosure and why. Limit your reasons to the listing rules, standards and corporation law. You can also research the company website for comments and background.
The source and date of your example must be clearly visible, for example the heading from the ASX website or the banner of the Financial Review.
In your view what were the reasons for the introduction of continuous disclosure regulation in Australia?
Do you think the CD regime addresses the limitations of the financial reporting process, would quarterly reporting be more useful?
Give support for your recommendations and findings.
Word Limit; 1,000 words (excluding the reference list)
The assignment is marked out of 25 and comprises 25% of your overall marks for the semester. A detailed marking criteria sheet is attached and must be submitted with your assignment.
Print out the Safe Assign Report and attach it to your assignment behind the marking criteria page.
Failure to attach these 2 documents will result in the loss of 2 marks.
Prepare your answer in report format (refer to Citewrite for help with this format) with footnote referencing. Please note that reports need minimal referencing, only direct quotes need to be footnoted. Just be sure to include all your sources in the reference list.
The assignment has to be your own work and research to show your knowledge and understanding of the subject. Tutors will not be answering any questions regarding this assignment.
The assignment is due on 22April 2015 at 9 pm and MUST be submitted via the Assignment Minder Service AND via SafeAssign.
Information about submitting your assignment via Assignment Minder and SafeAssign is available on Blackboard.
(Please write name in block letters here. This sheet will be the first page of your assignment.)
CRITERIA | Unsatisfactory 0...1...2…3 | Low Pass 4...5 | Above average 6…7 | Excellent 8…9…10 | |
Find two examples of the application of the CD rule and give support for your choice | The examples were poorly chosen and there was no or limited support for the choice | The examples were well chosen and there was reasonable support for the choice | The examples were well chosen and there was good support for the choice | The examples were extremely well chosen and appropriate; and there was excellent support for the choice | /10 |
Unsatisfactory 0...1...2 | Low Pass 3…4 | Above average 5…6 | Excellent 7…8 | ||
Discuss and analyse the reasons for the introduction of the CD regulation Discuss whether it addresses the financial reporting limitations, or should be replaced by quarterly reporting | The report provided almost noanalysis of the reasons for the introduction and its affects in addressing the financial reporting limitation The issue of quarterly reporting was not satisfactorily addressed | The report provided a limited analysis of the reasons for the introduction and its affects in addressing the financial reporting limitation The issue of quarterly reporting was addressed in a without sufficient analysis | The report provided a goodanalysis of the reasons for the introduction and its affects in addressing the financial reporting limitation The issue of quarterly reporting was satisfactorily discussed | The report provided an excellent analysis of the reasons for the introduction and its affects in addressing the financial reporting limitation The issue of quarterly reporting was comprehensively analysed and discussed | /8 |
Unsatisfactory 0…1 | Low Pass 2 | Above average 3 | Excellent 4 | ||
Do you support the introduction of the continuous disclosure rule | The report made a made a limited attempt to support its recommendation/s. | The report made a satisfactory attempt to support its recommendation/s. | The report made a good attempt to support its recommendation/s. | The report thoroughly supported its recommendation/s. | /4 |
Unsatisfactory 0…1 | Low Pass 1.5 | Above average 2 | Excellent 3 | ||
Writing andpresentation style in report format with footnote referencing | The report is not presented using the appropriate presentation style. | Sometimes, but not always consistently, the report is presented using the appropriate presentation style. | On most occasions, the report is presented using the appropriate presentation style. | The report has been presented using a consistent and appropriate presentation style. | /3 |
TOTAL | /25 |
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