Dealing With Asthma
What is Asthma about?

Asthma is a chronic (long lasting) respiratory disease very common in children and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) this condition affects 235 million people worldwide regardless the level of development of the countries.
Where does the Asthma come from?
Asthma nowadays still remain as an “idiopathic disease”, which means its causes are not completely clear, but until now innate and acquired causes has been described:
- It refers to something has been existing from the time the person was born due to the parents or previous generation within the family have passed this “anomalous information” through their genes to the personthat is actually affected.
- Any kinds of aerial substance (e.g., dust, strong smells, smoke, animal dander, pollution, pollen) coming from the environment that irritates the airways are called “allergens”, these allergens activate the immune system and this in turn produce histamine thus causing an inflammatory reaction that swell the tissues and narrow the airways thus affecting the normal air flow through the lungs thereby provoking the Asthma episode.
Preventing Asthma episodes
Despite all the inconvenient and setbacks this condition represent for those affected, it is possible to deal with it and to live as normal as possible. Here some advices to control this condition:
- Talk to your healthcare provider.This is the first step to consider since with the expertise of a specialized health care providerwho will evaluate your Asthma condition will determine what treatment and life style may be the most convenient for you, this is a priority decision to consider in order to control this condition by following an expert’s advice.
- Do exercise. It is well known that physical activity may provoke an Asthma episode, but these are the called long period exercise (e.g., running short distance marathons, football, basketball), however by using your “pre-exercise medicine” prescribed by your doctor and doing short distance and non-intensive exercise (swimming, walking, yoga, stretching, biking) will improve your condition and prevent the episodes.Doing aerobic and non-intensive exercise will help you to oxygen all the lungs areas which improve the air flow in the airways, and not even mention all the benefits from losing weight or keep you fit.
- Eat properly. Connection between diet and asthma isclearly defined, however the obesity has been associated with more severe asthma episodes, as well as some food that may provoke you allergy attackscould detonate an asthma episode as well.
- Avoid stress. Any tense situation (anxiety, stress, fear) that could interfere in a proper way to breathe in and out will not allow to oxygen your lungs properly which may lead you to repetitive asthma episodes.
- Smoking? Forget it! First, second or third hand smoke should be avoid it, since smoke irritates the airways and may detonate asthma episodes.Not everyone around may be aware of your condition thus while dealing with asthmaplaces where you may be exposed to this should be totally avoided.
Asthma Drug Treatment
Nowadays short and long-term pharmacological treatment is available for those with asthma, such treatments are determine for the health care provider once each individual have been evaluated and the condition has been known. But as you have read before, the life style and measures that one decide to take may have a great impact in the success of this journey.
There’s Hope
Although a lot remains unclear when decoding the real causes of this asthma disease, but much is already known about how it works and therefore it is a great benefit to apply these knowledge in order to live as free as possible when having this condition.
Always to Remember!
- Talk to your Doctor as soon as possible.
- Do aerobic-short distances exercise.
- Eat healthy.
- No stress.
- Do not smoke.
Dealing with Asthma is Possible
Asthma is a long-term condition to live with, it affects millions of people around the world regardless social conditions, the causes still are unknown although genetic and environmental causes are assigned to it which means from genes to aeroallergens (particles in the air) may trigger the episodes. Despite these facts all is not lost when fighting this disease, environmental conditions can be controlled with professional help and doing your part, this may take some effort but definitely it will help a lot the drug treatment your doctor has decided is the best.
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