Project Development And Implementation For Strategic Managers
Unit code: H/602/2425 QCF Level 7: BTEC Professional Credit value: 20
Unit aim
This unit provides learners with an opportunity to develop their project management and research skills by developing a project where they plan and implement a new product, service or process.
Unit introduction
As the rate of change escalates, it is important for organisations to not just hold their place in the market but to plan to move ahead. This unit recognises the importance to managers of having project management skills and the relevant expertise to enable this to happen.
The purpose of this unit is to give learners an opportunity to integrate all the knowledge from their programme of learning by developing a project in which they plan and implement a new product, service or process.
This unit could follow on from Unit 16: Research Methods for Strategic Managers, where a research question is formulated and researched. The fact that there are two units on research and project development and implementation in this specification recognises the scale of work required to develop and implement a sound project. Learners can take either unit without the other, but may find it necessary to start with Unit 16 if they have no experience of research methodology.
Learners need to take a full and active role in all aspects of the project, and the selection of an appropriate management issue is crucial to success. Learners will cover a full range of management activities and roles, including resource and people management and implementation of change. The result needs to be a substantial report in a style appropriate for consideration by senior management.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
Be able to develop a project specification
Development: defining the product, service or process; research; methods of evaluating feasibility of projects; initial critical analysis of the outline specification; selection of project option; initiating a project logbook/diary; estimating costs and resource implications; identifying goals and limitations; value of project; rationale for selection; agree roles and allocate responsibilities; developing a business case, case justification; primary and secondary sources, official sources; tacit knowledge; political dimensions, environmental scanning, market research, market segmentation
Specification: developing a list of requirements relevant to project specifications eg costs, timescales, scale of operation, standards, legislation, ethics, sustainability, quality, fitness for purpose, business data, resource implications; project lifecycle; added value of product, service or process; market and customer expectations; profit margins and vulnerability; market analysis; benchmarking; stakeholder analysis; scoping process; informal contacts and networking; relationship to corporate strategy and planning; sustainability; market intelligence systems (MIS)
Project management: principles; role of the project manager eg management of change, understanding of project management system elements and their integration, management of multiple projects; project environment and the impact of external influences on projects; identification of the major project phases (initiate, plan, execute, monitor/control, evaluate/close) and why they are required, understanding of the work in each phase; the nature of work in the lifecycles of projects in various industries
Success/failure criteria: need to meet operational, time and cost criteria, measure success eg develop the project scope; product breakdown structure (PBS); work breakdown structure (WBS); project execution strategy and the role of the project team; consideration of investment appraisal eg use of discount cash flow (DCF) and net present value (NPV); benefit analysis and viability of projects; determine success/failure criteria; preparation of project definition report, acceptance tests; requirements for termination eg audit trails, punch lists, close-out reports and post-project appraisals, comparison of project outcome with business objectives
Project management systems: procedures and processes; knowledge of project information support (IS) systems; how to integrate human and material resources for success
Be able to plan for the launch of a project to implement a new product, service or process
Procedures: planning and monitoring methods; operating methods; lines of communication; risk analysis; structure of groups and collaborative working; targets and aims
Project plan: production of a plan for the project including timescales, deliverables, milestones, quality assurance systems and quality plans; monitoring progress
Resources: economy, efficiency and effectiveness; sources and evaluation of training and development; workforce planning; contingency factors
Cost: cost dimensions eg labour, training and development, materials, supplies, equipment hire, accommodation or space, delivery, accessing funds, overheads, administration, budgeting and cash flow, cost margins; cost-benefit analysis
Planning: identify and select product, service or process; scope and feasibility; agreeing the process; plan timeline; action plan; timetable and procedure; task dates; targets; milestones; review dates; monitoring/reviewing process; strategy
Methodology: research eg library, internet, sector data sources, pure and applied research, developmental, longitudinal, interviews, questionnaires, survey, case study; research and development; concepts and theories; terminology; validity and reliability
Organisational structure: functional, project and matrix structures eg consideration of cultural and environmental influences; organisational evolution during the project lifecycle; job descriptions and key roles eg the project sponsor, champion, manager, integrators; other participants eg the project owner, user, supporters, stakeholders
Control and coordination: the need for monitoring and control eg preparation of project plans, planning, scheduling and resourcing techniques; use of work breakdown structure to develop monitoring and control systems; monitoring performance and progress measurement against established targets and plans; project reporting; change control procedures
Leadership requirements: team roles, motivation and the need for team building; project leadership styles and attributes; delegation of work and responsibility; techniques for dealing with conflict; negotiation skills
Human resources and requirements: calculation, specification and optimisation of human resource requirements; job descriptions
Be able to implement a project
Implementation: market or pilot testing; leadership, delegation and motivation, teambuilding, roles; stages breakdown; developing specifications, Gantt chart, PERT/CPA modelling, quality control and analysis, Total Quality Management (TQM), quality chain, milestone charting, auditing; feedback systems, communication systems; time management, progress meetings, corrective measures, variance analysis, bottlenecks; contracting; pricing policy; differentiation; market positioning and strategy; packaging, promotion and advertising; distribution costs; branding
Project management plans: the why, what, how, when, where and by whom of project management eg contract terms, document distribution schedules, procurement, establishing the baseline for the project
Implement: proper use of resources, working within agreed timescale, use of appropriate techniques for generating solutions, monitoring development against the agreed project plan, maintaining and adapting project plan where appropriate
Record: systematic recording of relevant outcomes of all aspects and stages of the project to agreed standards
Project organisation: the product breakdown structure (PBS) and the work breakdown structure (WBS), project execution strategy and the organisation breakdown structure (OBS) eg preparation of organisational charts, task responsibility matrix, statement of work (SOW) for project tasks
Scheduling techniques: relationship between schedules, OBS and WBS, bar charts, milestone schedules, network techniques, resourcing techniques, computer-based scheduling and resourcing packages, project progress measurement and reporting techniques, staff-hours earned value and progress ‘S’ curves, critical path analysis and reporting, milestone trending
Cost control: cost breakdown structure eg types of project estimate, resources needed, estimating techniques, estimating accuracy, contingency and estimation, bid estimates, whole-life cost estimates, sources of information, cost information sensitivity, computer-based estimating
Techniques: allocation of budgets to packages of work, committed costs, actual costs, cash flow, contingency management
Performance: cost performance analysis eg budgeted cost for work scheduled (BCWS), budgeted cost for work performed (BCWP); concept of earned value, actual cost of work performed (ACWP), cost performance indicators
Change control: the need for formal control of changes eg impact of changes on the project, principles of change control and configuration management; changes to scope, specification, cost or schedule; change reviews and authorisation, the formation of project teams, project initiation and start-up procedures

Be able to evaluate the outcomes of a project
Criteria: purpose; targets and achievement; sequencing success or problems; critical analysis; feedback from stakeholders; significance of project; application of project results; implications; limitations of the project; improvements; recommendations for further consideration
Evaluation: planning; objectives; focus; benefits; successes; difficulties; recommendations; analysis of results and planned procedures; use of appropriate evaluation techniques; application of project evaluation and review techniques (PERT); opportunities for further studies and developments
Interpretation: use of appropriate techniques to justify project progress and outcomes in terms of the original agreed project specification
Be able to present the outcomes of a project
Presentation: eg formal written format, by viva voce or oral presentation, diagrammatic or graphical figures
Record of procedures and results: relevant documentation for all aspects and stages of the project
Format: professional delivery format appropriate to the audience; appropriate media
Methodology: presentation eg IT, audio, visual aids, time, pace; delivery critique of the methods used in the project; recommendations eg using the findings, recommendations for the future; areas for future research
Unit code: H/602/2425 QCF Level 7: BTEC Professional Credit value: 20
Unit aim
This unit provides learners with an opportunity to develop their project management and research skills by developing a project where they plan and implement a new product, service or process.
Unit introduction
As the rate of change escalates, it is important for organisations to not just hold their place in the market but to plan to move ahead. This unit recognises the importance to managers of having project management skills and the relevant expertise to enable this to happen.
The purpose of this unit is to give learners an opportunity to integrate all the knowledge from their programme of learning by developing a project in which they plan and implement a new product, service or process.
This unit could follow on from Unit 16: Research Methods for Strategic Managers, where a research question is formulated and researched. The fact that there are two units on research and project development and implementation in this specification recognises the scale of work required to develop and implement a sound project. Learners can take either unit without the other, but may find it necessary to start with Unit 16 if they have no experience of research methodology.
Learners need to take a full and active role in all aspects of the project, and the selection of an appropriate management issue is crucial to success. Learners will cover a full range of management activities and roles, including resource and people management and implementation of change. The result needs to be a substantial report in a style appropriate for consideration by senior management.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
Be able to develop a project specification

Specification: developing a list of requirements relevant to project specifications eg costs, timescales, scale of operation, standards, legislation, ethics, sustainability, quality, fitness for purpose, business data, resource implications; project lifecycle; added value of product, service or process; market and customer expectations; profit margins and vulnerability; market analysis; benchmarking; stakeholder analysis; scoping process; informal contacts and networking; relationship to corporate strategy and planning; sustainability; market intelligence systems (MIS)
Project management: principles; role of the project manager eg management of change, understanding of project management system elements and their integration, management of multiple projects; project environment and the impact of external influences on projects; identification of the major project phases (initiate, plan, execute, monitor/control, evaluate/close) and why they are required, understanding of the work in each phase; the nature of work in the lifecycles of projects in various industries
Success/failure criteria: need to meet operational, time and cost criteria, measure success eg develop the project scope; product breakdown structure (PBS); work breakdown structure (WBS); project execution strategy and the role of the project team; consideration of investment appraisal eg use of discount cash flow (DCF) and net present value (NPV); benefit analysis and viability of projects; determine success/failure criteria; preparation of project definition report, acceptance tests; requirements for termination eg audit trails, punch lists, close-out reports and post-project appraisals, comparison of project outcome with business objectives
Project management systems: procedures and processes; knowledge of project information support (IS) systems; how to integrate human and material resources for success
Be able to plan for the launch of a project to implement a new product, service or process
Procedures: planning and monitoring methods; operating methods; lines of communication; risk analysis; structure of groups and collaborative working; targets and aims
Project plan: production of a plan for the project including timescales, deliverables, milestones, quality assurance systems and quality plans; monitoring progress
Resources: economy, efficiency and effectiveness; sources and evaluation of training and development; workforce planning; contingency factors
Cost: cost dimensions eg labour, training and development, materials, supplies, equipment hire, accommodation or space, delivery, accessing funds, overheads, administration, budgeting and cash flow, cost margins; cost-benefit analysis
Planning: identify and select product, service or process; scope and feasibility; agreeing the process; plan timeline; action plan; timetable and procedure; task dates; targets; milestones; review dates; monitoring/reviewing process; strategy
Methodology: research eg library, internet, sector data sources, pure and applied research, developmental, longitudinal, interviews, questionnaires, survey, case study; research and development; concepts and theories; terminology; validity and reliability
Organisational structure: functional, project and matrix structures eg consideration of cultural and environmental influences; organisational evolution during the project lifecycle; job descriptions and key roles eg the project sponsor, champion, manager, integrators; other participants eg the project owner, user, supporters, stakeholders
Control and coordination: the need for monitoring and control eg preparation of project plans, planning, scheduling and resourcing techniques; use of work breakdown structure to develop monitoring and control systems; monitoring performance and progress measurement against established targets and plans; project reporting; change control procedures
Leadership requirements: team roles, motivation and the need for team building; project leadership styles and attributes; delegation of work and responsibility; techniques for dealing with conflict; negotiation skills
Human resources and requirements: calculation, specification and optimisation of human resource requirements; job descriptions
Be able to implement a project
Implementation: market or pilot testing; leadership, delegation and motivation, teambuilding, roles; stages breakdown; developing specifications, Gantt chart, PERT/CPA modelling, quality control and analysis, Total Quality Management (TQM), quality chain, milestone charting, auditing; feedback systems, communication systems; time management, progress meetings, corrective measures, variance analysis, bottlenecks; contracting; pricing policy; differentiation; market positioning and strategy; packaging, promotion and advertising; distribution costs; branding
Project management plans: the why, what, how, when, where and by whom of project management eg contract terms, document distribution schedules, procurement, establishing the baseline for the project
Implement: proper use of resources, working within agreed timescale, use of appropriate techniques for generating solutions, monitoring development against the agreed project plan, maintaining and adapting project plan where appropriate
Record: systematic recording of relevant outcomes of all aspects and stages of the project to agreed standards
Project organisation: the product breakdown structure (PBS) and the work breakdown structure (WBS), project execution strategy and the organisation breakdown structure (OBS) eg preparation of organisational charts, task responsibility matrix, statement of work (SOW) for project tasks
Scheduling techniques: relationship between schedules, OBS and WBS, bar charts, milestone schedules, network techniques, resourcing techniques, computer-based scheduling and resourcing packages, project progress measurement and reporting techniques, staff-hours earned value and progress ‘S’ curves, critical path analysis and reporting, milestone trending
Cost control: cost breakdown structure eg types of project estimate, resources needed, estimating techniques, estimating accuracy, contingency and estimation, bid estimates, whole-life cost estimates, sources of information, cost information sensitivity, computer-based estimating
Techniques: allocation of budgets to packages of work, committed costs, actual costs, cash flow, contingency management
Performance: cost performance analysis eg budgeted cost for work scheduled (BCWS), budgeted cost for work performed (BCWP); concept of earned value, actual cost of work performed (ACWP), cost performance indicators
Change control: the need for formal control of changes eg impact of changes on the project, principles of change control and configuration management; changes to scope, specification, cost or schedule; change reviews and authorisation, the formation of project teams, project initiation and start-up procedures

Be able to evaluate the outcomes of a project
Criteria: purpose; targets and achievement; sequencing success or problems; critical analysis; feedback from stakeholders; significance of project; application of project results; implications; limitations of the project; improvements; recommendations for further consideration
Evaluation: planning; objectives; focus; benefits; successes; difficulties; recommendations; analysis of results and planned procedures; use of appropriate evaluation techniques; application of project evaluation and review techniques (PERT); opportunities for further studies and developments
Interpretation: use of appropriate techniques to justify project progress and outcomes in terms of the original agreed project specification
Be able to present the outcomes of a project
Presentation: eg formal written format, by viva voce or oral presentation, diagrammatic or graphical figures
Record of procedures and results: relevant documentation for all aspects and stages of the project
Format: professional delivery format appropriate to the audience; appropriate media
Methodology: presentation eg IT, audio, visual aids, time, pace; delivery critique of the methods used in the project; recommendations eg using the findings, recommendations for the future; areas for future research
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