Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Unit 2 Automotive Industry Assignment Help

Unit 2 Automotive Industry Assignment Help

Scope and limitations

The dissertation aims at addressing specific challenges or pre-conceptions that renowned manufacturers can overthrow a small business. The digital transformation and networking has built by small businesses is far more advanced as compared to already developed manufacturers and this motivates the small businesses to use all their sources to produce the best products compared to the developed manufacturers. The semi-structured interviews with the small businesses will help understand the challenges faced in relation to the niche market and how they overcome their problems in comparison to their competitors. Through careful analysis we will be able to gain valuable insights into why the adoption of certain marketing strategies have been taken into consideration in relation to the industry and its exclusive customers.
Limited peer content available on Hyper-car industry and its advertising strategies.
Semi-structured interviews with marketing practitioners in the automotive industry was a challenge considering their busy work schedule and with constant launches in the automotive calendar.
Traveling to the locations was not a financial option for most of the companies apart from Rim-ac Automobile in Croatia.
The industrial data collection has taken into consideration a few influences in the automotive industry who have different lifestyles and opinions of multiple influences was not able to be conducted with their working schedule. This approach would have helped to understand the consumer pattern of what products they desire within the niche market.
Read Also: Automotive industry UK

Major Contributions of the Dissertation

Based on the research questions and the objectives, this dissertation provides readers with comprehensive insight on the difference between Hyper-cars and Super cars, the core marketing concepts and the two most imperative models in marketing; the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) model and the Four P’s of Marketing Mix. For a clearer justification, these models are applied to the small and large Hyper-car manufacturers to understand the various marketing strategies and tools adopted by them and how they are different from each other.
In addition, as the Hyper-car market is highly competitive, the Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategy and the Resource-Based View (RBV) model are used to understand the competitive strategies adopted by small Hyper-car manufacturers in order to differentiate themselves from each other. And finally, with the problem of flipping cars arising, this dissertation offers readers with viable solutions to the problem.


This dissertation will be useful in understanding that in the modern era of globalization, the firms can avail competitive advantage, irrespective of their history and size, based solely on the uniqueness of the attributes that they can offer. Hyper-car market is considered to be an ultra-premium market, with the industry leaders spending billions of dollars on the product development and promotions. After completing this dissertation, it can be revealed whether the small firms can compete with the big giants for a share in this highly lucrative business Market and particularly which are tools that they can avail to survive and excel in this limited market segment, with immense profit potential. This research will be highly useful in analyzing the ways through the small firms can compete with the big companies in a niche market. It was a general notion that only the big companies have the resources and capability to operate for the premium products or in the niche market. But with the facilitation of the cost-effective technologies and effective marketing tools, the small firms and start-ups are also emerging in the niche market segments, which had been exclusive to the big companies till the last decade.

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