COIT 20248 Information Systems Analysis and Design
Assessment 1 - Systems Development COIT 20248 Information Systems Analysis and Design
Task: 1 Approach to Systems Development
ASCIS can use the following approaches to develop the information system in organization to meet the requirements and mitigate the additional cost of operations:
Feasibility study: It means to determine the technical, economical, organizational and ethical constraints and strengths of business to determine whether the project is in favour or not.
Investigation of environment: It is used to collect and process the requirements from the present workplace to understand the need and scope of the project.
Business system solutions: It is the set of software and hardware ,which can resolve the business problems (Hijazi et al, 2012). Such solutions are suitable to business constraints for achievement of objectives.
Requirement specification: It is the clear definition of data, operation, resources and features required in business solution to address the problems.
Technical system options: It is the sub items for business solution options those are practically possible to achieve with business conditions. It is determined on the technical strength of business.
Design: It includes the transformation of logical design into physical design for the usable computer system in organization (Wasson, 2015).
For that, organization can use structured system analysis and design as suitable methodology of development.
Justification for choice
The organization can use SSAD because of following reasons:Multiple angle analysis: In includes multiple sub techniques to determine the data flow, entities and other logical information for business so that multi angle analysis is possible to ensure the suitability of business.
Rigid control: it provides rigid control of progress and efforts to reach the goals through structured stages. Therefore, there is less chance of failure and wastage of resources.
Task 2: Systems Requirements
Primary functional requirements
The organization has primary functional requirements those must be addressed with new system or solution:
Registration: It is essential that business achieve the centralization of members for easy communication and data sharing with automation of information. For example, all members need to be connected to a system whereas automation is required to check the status in time for submission of post or article and delivery of mail to member (Wiegers and Beatty, 2013).
Queries and reports: It is essential that system supports the queries those can be customized later to meet the business requirements but initially, it is suggested to implement the report generation for following requirements:
- List of all sports and members attained in previous times
- List of articles or/ and advertisements being published in upcoming newsletter
- List of editor and corresponding newsletter edition
- List of members using or not using mail address for communication
Non-functional requirements
Interactive GUI: a good and high speed user interface is required to allow the president to work on system in easy manner. It is required to save the time of operations with easy to found operations.Plug-in support: The system has to support the plug-ins of other software like communication and sales management. It is significant to centralize the system for services and enhance the usability.
Crash support: The information must be secured if any of the sudden power failure or a crash occurs. It is required to recover the system and feel seamless experience (Robertson and Robertson, 2012).
COIT 20248 Information Systems Analysis and Design
Besides, also system needs to be high performance basis and high quality provider along with accuracy and real time information to business.Task 3: Project Cost Benefit Analysis
It can be defined as the process to analyse the profitability with the cost required to complete and run the project. It can be visualized as the return from the cost used as input to use the system in business (Nas, 2016). The cost benefit analysis shows that the overall NPV of the project is associated to $201000 whereas NPV of all benefits is 211600 so that ROI of the project is calculated for a value near to 0.22 but it is effective to reduce the cost of manual operations.
Figure 1: Cost benefit analysis
Discussion of cost benefit analysis
Overall cost benefit ratio is effective as it can reduce the cost of operations associated with manual operations and data communication with members in organization. It has mitigated the cost of operations with the use of centralization and automation. It shows that overall return on investment is 0.22 which is effective to save $3000 per month. Overall investment for a year is effective to cut out the cost of operations, maintenance and update in system.Task 4: Project Schedule
Work break down approach is useful to break a single task into the set of manageable activities so that overall performance and quality can be improved. WBS for system design and development is given below in which there are six basic activities those are further divided into sub activities to manage (Burke, 2013). It is useful to assign the work to team and enhance the utilization of available resources. At the end of development, all the modules are tested and collected to achieve a single required system.
At other side, Gantt chart is also useful to define the timeframe for activities defined in work break down so that progress can be controlled and monitored to complete the project in required time. In this manner, WBS and Gantt chart are interrelated as WBS provides unit activities and Gant chart provides timeframe for them so that resource utilization can be improved and risk of failure can be mitigated through high quality in each activity (Snyder, 2014)
Figure 2: Work Break Down structure
System goals, requirements and scope
Goal: The goal of the system is to minimum the efforts and manual operations which further save the cost of operations. It also means to enhance the collaboration for information sharing and support in decision making through reports.
Requirements: primary requirement is to generate list of members, articles, advertisements and other items stored in database to support the decision making. Also system is required for communication and real time updates among submission and delivery of information.
Scope: The system has scope to enhance the accuracy and reliability in communication along with reduction of operational cost up to $3000 per month.
Task 5: System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques
Stakeholders involved
Stakeholder defines a person which is directly or indirectly connected to business for information or profit. For example, ASCIS has following stakeholders in business to meet the requirements:Internal stakeholders:
supporting staff
External stakeholders:
newsletter subscribers,
Most useful investigation techniques
Interview: Employee or member of the business is communicated face to face to know their requirements and expectations with business. It is easy and effective to uncover the problems but time consuming when there are a lot of participants in interview.Questionnaire: it is useful to allow members to submit their thoughts through the answers to specific questionnaire. It is easy to analyse data and process into decisions. It offers flexibility to analyse data (Macaulay, 2012).
Survey: it means to analyse the business through a survey in which some members can be communicated or others might be observed for their interaction and behaviour to complete business operations.
Usefulness of these investigation techniques
Interview is effective to use with management bodies and key members in organization. However the effectiveness depends on the questions being asked in interview and how honestly the responded is replying. At other side, the data of questionnaire is easy to answer and process for decision supporting (Davis, 2013). It also can be used with large number of members in business with clear and consistent questions. However, the organization also can use survey to monitor the issues and benefits with system in depth of knowledge. However, it is costly, time consuming besides of effectiveness.6). Reflections and Conclusions
The ASCIS is effective in business as it can manage the information of member and publications for them. It is easy to use and check the status of information being updated by members in business. The system is effective to generate the reports and analyse the data for decision support and management. Overall performance, functions and other requirements are achieved with project and it is feasible for organization to use to save the efforts and cost on manual operations.
It has been concluded that system has achieved the functional as well as non-functional requirements in business to interact with members and manage the data at central location with easy monitoring for information and events going on. It is also concluded that project can be completed with the use of structured software analysis and designing tool to meet the requirements of cost, profitability ad utilization of resources.
Books and Journals
Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA.
Davis, A., 2013. Just enough requirements management: where software development meets marketing. Addison-Wesley.
Hijazi, H., Khdour, T. and Alarabeyyat, A., 2012. A review of risk management in different software development methodologies. International Journal of Computer Applications, 45(7), pp.8-12.
Macaulay, L.A., 2012. Requirements engineering. Springer Science & Business Media.
Nas, T.F., 2016. Cost-benefit analysis: Theory and application. Lexington Books.
Robertson, S. and Robertson, J., 2012. Mastering the requirements process: Getting requirements right. Addison-wesley.
Snyder, C.S., 2014. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK (®) Guide. Project Management Institute.
Wasson, C.S., 2015. System engineering analysis, design, and development: Concepts, principles, and practices. John Wiley & Sons.
Wiegers, K. and Beatty, J., 2013. Software requirements. Pearson Education.
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