This is a solution of Unit 3 Destination Management and Planning Assignment Help in which we discuss Developing business
Section 3. Assessment Details
3.1 Requirements for completion of subject
In order to pass this subject, you must:
You must obtain a final mark of at least 50% to pass the subject. In addition, the expectation is to obtain at least an average of 50% over all invigilated components (supervised individual assessment) within a subject to pass the subject overall. Any student who does not achieve a pass in the invigilated components may, in exceptional circumstances, be reviewed by the College Assessment Committee. Students who have completed less than 100% of the assessment will be subject to review by the College Assessment Committee which could result in an overall fail
It is important to be aware that assessment “is always subject to final ratification following the examination period and that no single result represents a final grade in a subject” (Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy 5.21.).
Assessment in this subject will be subjected to the standard JCU subject assessment moderation process.
3.2 Feedback on student learning
Students will receive written feedback on their assessment within 21 days of submission.
3.3 Assessment Tasks
ASSESSMENT TASK 1: Problem Based Work book
Aligned course &subject learning outcomes
| · Critically evaluate the role and importance of destination business management and marketing organisations in the sustainable development of competitive tourism destinations · Analyse the process and challenges associated with the development of destination management plans and strategies · Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for the audience |
Group or individual | Individual |
Weighting / Length | 30% |
Due date |
4 August 2015, Tuesday
Students will complete sections in the workbook based on their participation in class activities, the set readings and their own search for additional information system. A template for the workbook will be provided in the Assessment section of the learn jcu site. The workbook contains 5 activities and students must complete all 5 and select 3 for assessment.
Each of the 3 assessed activities will be marked out of 10.
Marking criteria include:
- In order to pass students must attempt all 5 activities and clearly indicate which 3 are to be assessed and the safe assignment review should not identify any significant issues with referencing.
- Clarity of written expression and overall logic of the presentation of the answers.
- Evidence of reading and information search beyond the material provided in class.
- Detail provided in the answer.
- Evidence of critical analysis and problem solving.
The assessment rubric can be found in Section 6.
ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Assignment – Product Development Report
Aligned course &subject learning outcomes
| · Critically evaluate the role and importance of destination management and marketing organisations in the sustainable development of competitive tourism destinations · Discuss the multidimensional nature of destination competitiveness · Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for the audience |
Group or individual | Individual or in Pairs |
Weighting / Length | 40% |
Due date |
25 August 2015, Tuesday
ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Assignment – Product Development Report
The report will be marked out of 100.
Marking criteria include:
- Identification of appropriate sources of evidence and information.
- Audit of existing products from at least 5 relevant destination websites.
- Awareness of relevant barriers and challenges to be overcome in the product development.
- SWOT analysis that flows logically from the data.
- including assessment of Destination Community Well being issues
- Product development ideas that are justifiable and realistic.
- Organisation and structure of report.
- Clarity of written expression and professional presentation.
The assessment rubric can be found in Section 6.
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: Presentation – Marketing of the Proposed Product
Aligned course &subject learning outcomes |
· Critically evaluate the role and importance of destination management and marketing organisations in the sustainable development of competitive tourism destinations
· Discuss the multidimensional nature of destination competitiveness
· Demonstrate effective oral presentation skills for academic and professional audiences
Weighting / Length | 30% |
Group or individual | Group: 4 students in a group. |
Due Date | Summary for class distribution Week 8, 31 August 2015 Class Presentations Week 9 & 10, 7 & 10 September 2015 |
Students will develop and present an IMC strategy for the product development option described in the assignment.
Students should prepare a 4-5 page summary handout of their IMC (to be made available for other students at least 24 hours before the presentation session) and then give a 20 minute presentation on their IMC.
The Presentation will be marked out of 100 and assessed according to the degree to which the following key points are addressed:
IMC Target Market Specifications
- Demographic characteristics.
- Psychographic and behavioural characteristics.
- Motivations.
- Information source usage.
Product Evaluation:
- Strengths of the product for this target market are highlighted
IMC Campaign Objectives:
- Identification of SMART objectives for the campaign (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely).
The USP:
- What is the destination’s unique selling proposition for this target market?
The Creative Strategy:
- What is the campaign idea (based on USP): the main theme, appeal, or benefit to be communicated in the message.
- Copy platform: a written statement that fully describes the message idea.
- Message or creative format: a broad creative approach used to communicate the message idea to the target audiences.
The IMC program – how will the following elements be utilized to deliver the creative strategy:
- Advertising
- PR
- Digital communications
- Personal selling
Quality of presentation and individual presentation skills.
The assessment rubric can be found in Section 6.
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