Crime Prevention Program Support Case Study
Crime Prevention Program Support Case Study is an important task for every government, such as federal, state and local governments. All these governments have made attempts to reduce the impact of crime in society. Recognize the need to cooperate with law enforcement communities and cooperate with community policies (Dempsey and Forts, 2011). This program has been started in the United States to curb the crime of neighborhood, reduce crime fear and
Visiting the Community Police
Community police philosophy is an approach that joins the forces to work together to act as a police, community house and other stakeholders to implement the strategy to stop crime. Due to getting very popularity, this philosophy is the most popular view in the law enforcement circle. This approach is a mixture of police and community efforts living together within the United States. The scope of this philosophy was raised in the year 1994 when the offices of the Community Oriented Police Service (CPS) were established (Plant and Scott, 2009). Apart from this online assignment aid, this philosophy was accepted by 12,000 police departments and various agencies.
Apart from this, it also helped to train and train thousands of new community officers and various personnel. To implement the law. The government also supported it and funded through Community Police Grants (Thurman and McGraw, 2005). Organizational strategies can be promoted by the philosophy of community police, which is helpful in sharing and troubleshooting techniques. This philosophy is very important to help solve public safety Crime Issues such as social disorder and fear of crime. The three elements of community police are troubleshooting, community involvement and organizational changes. Many things should be considered to solve the problem and to focus on ongoing situations that investigate, analyze, and assess and use the crime triangle (Slogan, 2006).
Factors Necessitating For Community Policing
In the United States, the report of the National District Attorney's Association (NDAA) showed that about 30000 gangs were dealing with crimes in more advanced and strategic ways (800,000 USAID, 2006), with 80000 members. On the other hand, there were some other strategies used by communities and law enforcement agencies to do the perpetrators. The partnership is quite effective for criminal gangs. Besides, this philosophy is important To prevent community gangs from being related to a different area. The main purpose of this philosophy is to disrupt daily criminal activities which reduce the power of criminals. It is also effective for building a profitable relationship with other members of the community. (If you are looking for University Assignment Help Sydney, you can contact us now)
Also, the inefficiency of law is another important factor in community policies that helps protect residents from retaliation by gangs. It is also an important community factor that the community has got help from the Petrol Officer community. Petrol official community is back from the police organization (Nugent-Borecole & Worrall, 2008). This factor has made the position to manage the support and resources to improve the quality of life and safety. It also has involved the understating, creativity and patience among all the parties.
Apart from this, communities have also awakened about crime, which has helped prevent crime and helped to make a more compelling neighborhood. It also increased the confidence among the communities, which is helpful in generating a good foundation for community police. Community philosophy will be attractive if there is a community There is no faith between communities and police officers (Doritos, Bamberger, Duncan and Greenberg, 2008). It will not be helpful to stop crimes within the communities of the United States.
Elements of Crime Triangle Addressed By Community Policing
The crime triangle contains some elements that confirm the crime, the place where the person provides crime and opportunity to accept the crime. All three elements of community police meet this to commit crime in the community otherwise crime is impossible (Hayes and Earthman, 2011). The purpose of this program is to remove any element for making crime impossible. Community policing cooperates with different parties Destroy any one of the three elements of the crime triangle. These parties can be included as law enforcement agents, businesses and residents. For example, communities can cooperate with the Probation Department to eliminate those committing the crime. These persons can be removed by indulging in communal activities. The community should also provide information about criminal hide and alerts. This information helps the police to attack hiding and crush plots by criminals.
Statistical Support of Community Policing
Community police has reduced crime levels in the United States. Community policy has affected crime due to the removal of officials from the traditional car and keeping them in the community. Statistical data show that approximately 14.16% of crimes in the United States have been reduced. Data also shows that the murders fell by 39%, auto. 35% of theft, in New York City, the total crime of the last two years has been cut 27% (Patrick and Rocks bury, 2012). Rape cases have decreased by 64.3% in comparison to 2008 and 2009. All these reductions reduces the partnership between the police officers and the people of the community.
Critical analysis of effectiveness of community police
Community police is an effective crime prevention program which reduces crime in the United States. This is to reduce neighborhood crimes that have made citizens away from the fear of crime (Lyons, 2002). It has also helped improve the quality of life and safety of the community using this philosophy. Its main purpose Philosophy is to provide high quality services in the form of life and security. The effectiveness of this crime prevention program can be maintained by partnering with the community. Effectiveness also depends on the number of community partners present in the community.
Also, the effectiveness of philosophy can be found in such a way that it is capable of solving problems present in the community. Community members should also look at the use of managers and patrol police to solve the problem of the community. Evaluating the effectiveness of community policies can be made more effective with the use of methods to solve problems (Vito, Months, and Holmes, 2006). For example, it’s the community members can measure the effectiveness of the community police with the number of arrests made during a certain time period. This method is suitable for counting the effects of this program, but it cannot solve the problem by permanently arresting it. This is only an attempt to reduce the problem in future due to the arrest.
Apart from this, the level of participation and reduction of people's participation can be measured by determining the impact. The guilt and fear of crime in the community do not indicate complete success. This means that crime and problem has not diminished completely in the community (Walsh, 2001). All Members should be free to inform police officers about crime. These people should not have any fear in mind and should actively participate in identifying ways to stop some crimes.
The effectiveness of this program will also be recognized through the resources used in experiments and to prevent crime. In the United States, they must use active counseling and financial participation of the members Private Agencies, Businesses and Other Parties (Litho polis, and Rigatos, 2005). It is difficult to calculate the effectiveness of community police, but better quality of life can be used to measure its effectiveness. This measurement can be done through removal of neglect signals. Signs of neglect include garbage and can be considered as real evidence of the effectiveness of the community police to drive into addicts and gangs.
Social impact on community police
Different social influences of the community police were found to be both positive and negative impacts for philosophy. These factors are found, where community policy is practiced in the society. This philosophy has been influenced by social capital. Social capital is a composite structure that creates a strong relationship between community members and officials who control and supervise these people (Ker, Small and Wood, 2005). The high level of social capital makes it possible for a high level of status in society. Practicing with the community police, it has been expected that people have less confidence, cooperation, group unity and social support in the work relationship; they do not get any more achievements with this community policy.
Society is also influenced by social solidarity which currently lives in a certain society. Social members play an important role in making effective community police by actively supporting each other (Ran, Zhao, Logic and Gaffney, 2006). Better societal solidarity is very useful for the community to create better status and increase the effectiveness of police in the community. Success of this philosophy can be achieved by the existence of strong Relations within society the strong relationship between the police and the social people have a major impact on the society which positively leads people to ethical practices.
Apart from this, enforceable laws also make a social impact that affect the effectiveness of philosophy. Community values also play an important role in identifying the success of the community police. Its effectiveness in society If there are values of different types of society to understand the behavior of society (Jackson and Leone, 2002), then it will grow. Behavior should be understood by problem solving and crime preventative, because some behaviors can be interpreted in the context of crime which creates problems in implementing community policy in society. To reduce crime in the society by performing execution is a mandatory task of both the police and the police Community policy as a crime prevention program.
Effects of technical progress
Advancements in the technology positively affect the crime prevention program. In the crime prevention programs, the information technology is used to store, manipulate, distribute or create information related to the crime. For instance, over the last years, there is a rapid growth in the telecommunication and computer technologies (Weisberg and McCain). Law enforcement agencies have been given unprecedented capability in data collection, storage, analysis and sharing by the development of computing power.
In today's changing economic dimension, technology is an important means of law to achieve its comprehensive and complex mission. Technology-enabled crime, police and security are relevant to understanding contemporary The threats arising from emerging forms of cybercrime, international crime and terrorism networks Cunning criminals have always taken advantage of new technologies as a result of learning about how to do this with other people, including companion techniques (Capobianco, 2005). As the continuous technology innovation and natural yield of criminal adoption and adaptation, ways to commit crimes can change at the social level. Thus, the crime associated with innumerable ways of obtaining technical benefits for illegal purposes can be considered as social technique with its own innovation-from-ominous chakras.
Crime Prevention Program Support Case Study
In the form of social technology, crime will almost always include the use of physical technologies (i.e., equipment), although rape, assault, Not to mention the mention used in the cavities of the body, such as the murder done without the use of weapons or other equipment. The concept of crime as a social technique involving the use of physical technologies allows the creation of a matrix. In addition, it should be noted that the tools of Information Technology also affect various programs of crime prevention (grant and Terry, 2005). Is new police Technology that is installed in most patrol cars. This policy is used to mapping or detecting the hide of criminals. Apart from this, technical equipment also plays a great role in policing communication. For example, introduction of computers in community policing, criminals can be traced by the use of cell phones because the identification process has been made easier.On the other hand, the progress of technology also provides new equipment to patrolling officers to fulfill their mission in policing the community. This will make the police more efficient in the community in the future. In the recruitment of Patrol Police (Mayor, 2009), the knowledge of computer will be a requirement. Can be patrol officers Rather than conducting community police activity; it was forced to spend so much time working on technology. Therefore, technology makes work more efficient. In addition, new technological tools in the world of crime provide law enforcement officials with a large range of tools and new methods to assist in the discovery of formal justice.
The World Wide Web is a major factor in the implementation of technology in crime prevention. For example, most of the Department of Police departments have updated their websites to include crime mapping features which are often updated. Not only the police officers can use this facility to study and analyze the environment of criminal activities. Immediate area, but with these online crime mapping resources, residents also get the ability to see and learn the maps of their cities, where serious crimes have occurred (Morality, 2010).
The Global Positioning System (GPS) has also been an important asset for law enforcement officers, helping them track and navigate more easily through neighborhood while patrolling and investigating criminal activities. Cities Many important uses of technology in crime prevention can be found in those uniforms which the officers wear and they communicate with each other. Since the 1970s, police officers have worn body armor to help protect themselves in hostile environments and situations (National Research Council, 2008). Another example of technology in crime prevention is cell phones.
In the conclusion of our MBA Assignment Support Specialists, it can be seen that community police philosophy is an effective crime prevention program. This is one of the best ideologies that can be used to fight crime in a community. Due to the enforceable laws and strong participation of the community, it successfully fought with crime. Due to the knowledge of the crime and knowledge of the area by the police, the community police has allied knowledge Community. Such knowledge helps in reducing crime in the United States. This is a continuous option of traditional police. It is also an important philosophy that encourages mutual trust and cooperation between people and the police. Community policing is a helpful philosophy to empower those who are fighting the danger of exaggerated crime.
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